Have you tried readJSON from pipeline utility steps plugin?
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The *.jpi or *.hpi are nothing but plugins which are downloaded when you
install to load your plugin. Ideally present under JENKINS_HOME/plugins
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You can always keep a backup of the config file.
Also I suggest you to do this in your test environment and no production. If
you don't have one, you can easily create it by copying Jenkins_home folder to
a different location.
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1. Try modifying the security tag to false in the config.xml and restart.
2. Validate your config.xml using a xml validator.
3. Try setting Jenkins_home env variable.
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Suggest you to add a Jenkins user on the Linux slave and generate a key for
that user and use the same in credentials.
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Are you using the private key for user - mdmadmin?
Were the keys generated on jenkins master?
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Can you not restart you Jenkins server with *-Duser.timezone=*
*"Brazil/East"* option if running via jar or setting up environment: -
TZ=Asia/Shanghai , if running a docker.
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*I have a RELEASE pipeline which triggers a parameterized job: TEST (which
can be triggered standalone too). If the TEST job fails I can rerun it
rather than triggering the complete RELEASE job. Is there a way I can list
the rerun of the TEST job to the upstream release job? So that the