It worked!
Thanks for an android.os.Bundle :)
On Thursday, 8 August 2013 17:11:56 UTC-4, Daniel Beck wrote:
> It basically means "Check whether the output of grep when searching for
> 'Test failed' is empty; it it's not, fail the script".
eports. There might be addons
> helping you with that, e.g. the xUnit plugin. It'd also allow you to
> distinguish between failed executions, and test failures (marking the build
> as 'unstable').
> On 07.08.2013, at 21:14, Lin Chen >
> wrote:
> >
So I defined many UiAutomatorTestCase classes, each has 1 or 2 test cases
at the most.
Then I use Shell script on Jenkins to string these test cases into a series
of tests, for example:
adb shell uiautomator runtest myTest.jar -c com.myTest.TestClass1
adb shell uiautomator runtest myTest.jar -c