> The "cmd" directory can be added to the PATH without the "bin" directory
> by the msysgit installer. It has three alternatives to provide git
> functions to the user. One of them only adds "cmd" to the PATH, the other
> adds "bin&quo
ot; instead of "
> If neither of those work, you could try the https protocol, "
> Thanks,
> Mark Waite
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 8
Still a newbie, I've moved on to a PC running windows 7 and Java 7. I'm trying
to build the example in the Jenkins Definitive Guide book, and am getting the
below exception. I am able to clone the remote repository from the Git Bash
command line:
git clone**/game-of-life.g
While trying to install the GIT Plugin I've somehow managed to mangle
Jenkins, and now when I go to localhost:8080 I just get:
hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException:
java.lang.Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at hudson.WebApp
Short version: What do you set JAVA_HOME to when configuring Jenkins on
a Mac Mavericks machine with a newly installed Java 1.8 from Oracle?
I'm a newbie to Jenkins and am trying to get an initial setup running per
the Jenkins Definitive Guide book. I recently installed the latest