I have a powershell script I want to execute in a pipeline step.
I thus call :
bat 'powershell \\tmp\\test.ps1'
prior to this I have set the ExecutionPolicy to Unrestricted as admin.
Still, when the pipeline runs, I get this
*13:07:13* C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Merchant
he plugin. And this is likely to be an
> issue encountered more and more in the upcoming months as people starts
> using the workflow plugin with many plugins combinations.
> Cheers
> 2015-02-13 17:25 GMT+01:00 Jan-Olav Eide
> >:
>> Trying
Trying the new workflow plugin, the following script
node {
svn url: 'https://svnserver.intra.buypass.no/svn/bps/smoketests/trunk/'
def mvnHome = tool 'Maven-3.2.1'
bat "${mvnHome}\\bin\\mvn clean compile"
fails with
Running: Allocate node : Start
Running on master in C:\Jenkins\workspa