Pipeline Shared libray location in a git repository

2018-10-11 Thread JL 6BerYeti
Reading the Jenkins Pipeline Shared Libraries page , it seems that the library must be at the root of the git repo. Working in a complex / constrained environment, I need to store my library in a continuousIntegration directory which is n

Jenkins Pipeline : How can I pass a map obtained from readProperties to withEnv ?

2016-11-30 Thread JL 6BerYeti
Dear All, I am trying to setup (many) environment variables for a set of stages within a pipeline by reading a property file and then passing the result to withEnv. As far as my understanding is correct, I thought that withEnv waits for a map, and readProperties returrns a map. So, I try this :

Re: JobDSL : how to define build env var into a configuration class

2016-11-03 Thread JL 6BerYeti
/ 'properties' properties << EnvInjectJobProperty { info { propertiesContent('TOTO=TITI') loadFilesFromMaster(false) } } Best Regards J.L.P. Le mercredi 2 novembre 2016 18:38:50 UTC+1, JL 6BerYeti a écrit : > > Quite new to Job

JobDSL : how to define build env var into a configuration class

2016-11-02 Thread JL 6BerYeti
Quite new to Job DSL, I am running some tests and trias. I currently try to factorize some common job configuration part in a library I can reuse within each job. I know how to do that with DSL, but I face out a problem with adding an env var. I have this code which run ok : class jobFramework