Is there a way to disable or move unwanted jobs from multibranch pipeline
views. I am referring to those jobs whose corresponding branches have been
deleted in Github. The current multibranch pipelines only seem to give
option to either automatically delete such jobs or keep them forever. I
December 2016 03:53:11 UTC-5, Christoph Nenning wrote:
> Hi,
> have you tired the findFiles step?
> https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/pipeline-utility-steps/#findfiles-find-files-in-the-workspace
> Regards,
> Christoph
I need to check for the existence of a certain .exe file in my workspace as
part of my pipeline build job. I tried to use the below Groovy script from
my Jenkinsfile to do the same. But I think the File class by default tries
to look for the workspace directory on jenkins master and fails.
I need to check for the existence of a certain .exe file in my workspace as
part of my pipeline build job. I tried to use the below Groovy script from
my Jenkinsfile to do the same. But I think the File class by default tries
to look for the workspace directory on jenkins master and fails.
Is there a way to make the Perform Maven Release option visible under the
job created using Jenkinsfile? I have a job that is created manually and it
has this option set by selecting the Maven release build option in
Configure job->Build environment settings. I am trying to convert this
omments here so we can track all of it.
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Harsha Adiga > wrote:
>> Hi Patrick,
>> Any updates on this query? Do you need any more information from me?
>> Regards,
>> Harsha
>> On Monda
Hi Patrick,
Any updates on this query? Do you need any more information from me?
On Monday, 15 August 2016 17:03:54 UTC-4, Harsha Adiga wrote:
> I think yes Jenkins is receiving the event. I can see the below line in
> System Logs:
> Aug 15, 2016
nkins to create the job at that point based on the Push webhook
> sent from Github. Is that not working correctly?
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 12:47 PM, Harsha Adiga > wrote:
>> I am doing a POC using GitHub Organization Folder plugin. I have created
>> a job select
I am doing a POC using GitHub Organization Folder plugin. I have created a
job selecting Git Hub Organization as the type. I have configured it to
scan my org using the personal access token that I have generated in my
Github account. I am using my Enterprise Git hub. I have also created a