Re: Unable start Jenkins after upgrading java version to 1.8.Jenkins 1.159.And facing below exception

2016-02-21 Thread Gurusharan S
ge. 2. Stop your tomcat or whatever server you are running. 3. Replace the old jenkins.war with the new one. 4. Start the server. Hope this helps. Bye for now, Gurusharan S. On Monday, 8 February 2016 14:56:02 UTC+5:30, Divya wrote: > > Thanks!!!. > Can you give me steps that to be followe

Re: Mark node offline on build failure

2016-02-21 Thread Gurusharan S
using upstream/downstream projects. Hope this helps. Bye for now, Gurusharan S. On Friday, 12 February 2016 06:13:14 UTC+5:30, Jacqueline Taing wrote: > > Is there a way to mark a node offline via DSL. We currently use Build > Flow Plugin > <

Re: jenkins home directory

2016-02-21 Thread Gurusharan S
Hi Hector, On how to verify the new home directory, you need to go to the Configure jenkins page: Manage Jenkins -> Configure System. Typically the jenkins home directory of the current instance will be displayed first in the form. Hope this helps, Bye for now, Gurusharan S. On Friday,