AW: Calling tera term from jenkins hangs

2016-05-18 Thread Eric Engel
This is probably a Windows specific problem, because services under Windows cannot interact with GUI elements. So if you installed Jenkins as a Windows service it may not be able to access the GUI elements of your teraterm application. I witnessed the same problem for automated GUI testing. On W

AW: run job chain parameter-depended on different slaves at the same time

2016-01-15 Thread Eric Engel
Hi Ingo, First: Do you have more than one executor per slave? If not, it is not possible for Jenkins to start more than one job. Second: The fact that Jenkins never starts two absolutely identical jobs was recently discussed in this group and is also mentioned on the Throttle Concurrent Builds

AW: Testlink integration with Maven project in Jenkins

2015-10-16 Thread Eric Engel
Hi, the Testlink Plugin is in my opinion a pain to work with. I would suggest using the Testlink REST API to gather data needed before job executions and to write back information to Testlink after a build succeded/failed. You could write your own Jenkins plugin to do that, or use scripts in p

[workflow-plugin] keeping default parameters in build step

2015-09-10 Thread Eric Engel
Hi, I have this scenario: Job X with default Parameters A=1, B=2 and C=3. Workflow Job Y calls Job X with a build step: >build job: 'X', propagate: false, parameters: [new >hudson.model.StringParameterValue('A', '2'), new >hudson.model.StringParameterValue('B', '3')] What happens: Job X is c

AW: [workflow-plugin] Exposing RunWrapper.getLog() methods for workflow build step (or alternate way to retrieve build-step logs)

2015-06-11 Thread Eric Engel
Hi, I got the same problem and it can work by thinking a little bit outside the box. You can get the jobs BUILD_NUMBER value through the getNumber() method. With that you may access the plain log via /job///consoleText URL. Regards Eric Von: [mailto:jenkinsci-

Re: jenkins LDAP -- AD

2015-05-21 Thread Eric Engel
Hi, I would recommend using the Active Directory Plugin instead of LDAP: No configuration necessary. Worked like a charm for us. Regards, Eric Von: [] Im

workflow plugin start parameterized job

2014-11-20 Thread Eric Engel
Resending with correct subject -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [] Im Auftrag von Eric Engel Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. November 2014 16:33 An: Betreff: AW: Last Success shows unexpected

AW: Last Success shows unexpected time

2014-11-20 Thread Eric Engel
Hello Jenkins Users, we want to try the new jenkins workflow-plugin. Is there any documentation besides the information from github ? Especially a simple question: How to start a parameterized job? Ideally with all parameters from the parent job. Re

AW: Can we print Master name in slave machine

2014-10-14 Thread Eric Engel
You could print the environment variable JENKINS_URL in a pre-build step. The JENKINS_URL contains at least the domain name of the master, which then may be parsed for further use. Regards Eric Von: [] Im Auftrag von Laure

Let Build Flow Plugin pass all parent parameters

2014-09-12 Thread Eric Engel
Hello Jenkins Users, I am using the Build Flow Plugin and want to start a build using all paramters of the parent job stored at the pre-defined params variable. At the plugin page the following example for a single parameter is given