agent not working since 266

2020-11-17 Thread David Koenig
Hi, i using the docker plugin with cloud configuration. Since Jenkins Version 266 i think there is a bug in Jenkins. By default, Jenkins tries to start the agent with the parameter "-slaveLog", but since version 4.6 of remote.jar just "-agentLog" is accepted as parameter (in 4.5 both were all

Re: Jenkins emailext plugin with default subject and body in pipeline script

2020-08-06 Thread David Koenig
body: 'testbtesttestinew area', > mimeType: 'text/html' > ) > > On Wed, Aug 5, 2020 at 5:55 AM David Koenig > wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> sorry for the late response, i was away a few days. >> i am new to jen

Start other Job from Jenkinsfile or wait until other job is finished

2020-08-05 Thread David Koenig
Hi, i want to start another Jenkinsjob from within my declarative Jenkinsfile. I do that with following command: build *job*: 'My-gitea-org/my-gitea-repo2/master', *wait*: *true* This sub-job (my-gitea-repo2) will be triggered by several other jobs. So i want to check if the sub-job is curre

Re: Jenkins emailext plugin with default subject and body in pipeline script

2020-08-05 Thread David Koenig
config. If you want to get the value you set, you have to use the > macro for it. > > subject: '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT' > > This is the same with the other items as well. > > You could wrap this into a shared library so that it's just a simple call > to do ev

Jenkins emailext plugin with default subject and body in pipeline script

2020-07-31 Thread David Koenig
i am using Jenkins with the email extension plugin and declarative pipelines. In https://jenkinsserver/configure i configured the "Default Subject" and "Default Content" with some variables and nice looking content which i want to use in a pipeline script. When i add the following code to a pi