Blogged: How to Run RSpec Test Suites in Parallel with JenkinsCI Build Flow

2012-10-09 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine Your suggestions on how we can improve this much welcome! -- dB. | Moscow - Geneva - Seattle - New York - @dblockdotorg

Is there a better way to set GIT_COMMIT than with push?

2012-10-06 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
I'm trying to get a parallel build going with the build flow plugin. I got it to work as follows: 1. A job that runs on branch "master" and pushes "master-ci" with "git push origin master:master-ci". 2. A bunch of parallel tasks that run on "master-ci" branch. 3. A final task that push

Blog Post: On-Demand Jenkins Slaves w/ Amazon EC2

2012-07-11 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine We've had great success with this and have published all our scripts, code, details, etc. Should save you a ton of time to set up dynamic slaves on EC2, and you'll never look back! cheers dB. -- dB. | Moscow - Ge

can't get a simple build flow to work (JENKINS-14027)

2012-07-04 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
I am having the same problem as described in , a simple build flow doesn't do anything. Mine is: parallel ( { build("gravity-master-cmd", cmd: "assets:clean assets gravity:test:jasmine") }, { build("gravity-master-cmd", cmd: "gravity:tes

upgrading a plugin doesn't remove the old version JAR

2012-06-11 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
I helped someone debug an issue with the AnsiColor plugin (see for gory details). AnsiColor 0.2.0 came with Jansi 1.6. AnsiColor 0.3.0 came with Jansi 1.9 Upgrading the plugin left the old version in the Jenkins installation AND would lo

Jenkins AnsiColor Plugin 0.3.0 Released

2012-06-05 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
Jenkins AnsiColor 0.3.0, eliminating boring output since its very first release is out with some awesome contributions, including support for (custom) color maps! [image: image]

jenkins-client: a Ruby library and command-line tool

2012-05-31 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
Jenkins, There's a new Ruby library in town called *jenkins-client*. It's pretty rudimentary, but we think it's a beginning of something good. Aside of being a Ruby gem that lets your application interact with Jenkins, the next release contains a co

Using Jenkins for Ruby and Ruby(-on-Rails) Teams

2012-05-29 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
A quick post this morning on our experience with Jenkins CI, also a decent quick-start for Ruby teams. Would love to hear suggestions, please. cheers dB. -- dB. | Moscow - Geneva - Seattle - New York dblo

Re: Having trouble getting rake to run tests

2012-05-17 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
Generally, this means rake returned a non-zero error code. Examine $? in the rake task that is being executed. I also remember old versions of rake/other gems reporting wrong status, so you may need to clear that error code. On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 8:16 AM, Ian Connor wrote: > We have jenkins se

Re: RVM and Jenkins setup

2012-05-17 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
This means your .bashrc isn't properly configuring RVM. We put ours in .bash_profile and source it the same way you do. export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/rvm/bin [[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Zolzaya Erdenebaatar < zolzaya.erdenebaa.

AnsiColor 0.2.1 Plugin w/ Support for Conceal Codes Released

2012-02-07 Thread Daniel Doubrovkine
If you're using the AnsiColor plugin (you know you are :)), time to upgrade to 0.2.1 that has support for ANSI conceal codes. This makes the output from Jenkins clean again without weird base64-encoded strings (except for an occasional cut-off location).