Dynamic internationalization

2012-03-14 Thread Chris S.
Hello, I have a list of options and want to translate them dynamic. My implementation in the jelly-file looks like following: > > ${%sEnc} > > > What is the preferred way to use the content of *sEnc* as translation key? Thanks for any advices.

FormValidation for an entry doesn't recognized

2012-03-13 Thread Chris S.
Hello, I am trying to use the *FormValidation* and I followed the basic guide (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Basic+guide+to+Jelly+usage+in+Jenkins). In my jelly file is following: > help="/plugin/mysql-auth/help/salt.html" > field="saltPosition"> >

Extension points: When to use the Describable/Descriptor pattern

2012-03-13 Thread Chris S.
Hello, I want to define an extension point, but I don't understand when to use the Describable/Descriptor pattern. The wiki page https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Defining+a+new+extension+point doesn't help me really. Thanks for any answers.

Contributions to MySQL Authentication Plugin

2012-03-13 Thread Chris S.
Hello, I want to do some contributions to the MySQL Authentication Plugin, to allow salted hashes. It seems that the plugin is dead. :/ What would be the best way to get them included?

Re: Bacis steps to write a plugin which depends on another

2012-03-12 Thread Chris S.
I have finished the work on the first plugin. Now I want to write a second plugin which extends the first (authorization) plugin. It means, that I want to extend the possible configuration settings and so on. It would be possible to create a new plugin copying the content from the old one, but I

Re: Bacis steps to write a plugin which depends on another

2012-03-09 Thread Chris S.
Thanks. I want to depend on an authorization plugin, so if an user login in, the internal user database from jenkins shall be filled with the data from the external database. Are there any events or anything like that, which I can use?

Bacis steps to write a plugin which depends on another

2012-03-08 Thread Chris S.
Hello, I am planning to write a plugin, which depends on another plugin. What is the preferred way to do that?