:04:04 PM UTC-7 Arjuman Banu wrote:
> ok. but the same worked on other pc. i was able to generate documentation.
> Only here the console also throwing error like the path doesnt exist.
> On Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6:45:41 AM UTC-7 eric...@cd-adapco.com
> wrote:
t; Regards,
> Eric
> On 11/5/2020 12:46 AM, Arjuman Banu wrote:
> Hi,
> I am integrating Doxygen tool with Jenkins.
> Given .exe path in Jenkins global tool configurations.
> While configuring a project, build->generating documentation
the documentation.
When I do the same in other Jenkins server, getting error as
Started by user *Akumalla Arjuman Banu
<>* Running as SYSTEM Building in
workspace D:\Projects\workspace\Aesculap_GN740_Demo1 Starting Doxygen
documentation generation FATAL: Th