Hi there,
I'm using workflow plugin to automate a workflow where new features are
submitted as pull requests to the master branch of a git repository. Once
the feature has been tested independently we schedule a 'release' workflow
job that is meant to:
1. Merges the pull-request locally
2. Bui
One of the components of the workflow system is a plugin that provides a
global git repository where you can push your groovy build scripts.
This is really quite nice because you can develop your build workflow in
groovy in
"foo"]) {
> ...
> }
> task(name:"zot", depends:["foo"]) {
> ...
> }
> attain "zot" // foo runs, then bar+zot runs in parallel
> 2014-12-14 18:26 GMT-08:00 Alexander Bertram >:
>> I'm experiment
I'm experimenting with the moving some hacky build proccesses into the great
new workflow plugin, but not sure how to best handle dependencies between
parallel steps.
The workflow is meant to test a release candidate of an R-language interpreter
against a library of a few thousand packages, som