I believe that the mistake that most people make with running the sonarqube
scan from a CI build is TRYING to define a sonarqube properties file. It's
best to simply provide all of the required options on the sonar-scanner
command line, using "-D".
On Tue, Nov 10, 2020 at 3:44 AM jesus fernandez <
Thanks a lot to those who have already registered! Just a quick update,
after confirming the technical possibility we decided to extend the voter
registration deadline to Nov 24th. It gives Jenkins contributors more time
to register if they missed the Jenkins elections due to many other ong
I am trying to learn the basics of sonarqube, I have set it up on my
jenkins pipeline (which uses MSBuild to compile the project) and the set a
step to execute SonarQube but after reading and watching a few tutorials
and the documentation itself I think I got a bit lost as when my pipeline
that worked! thanks!
El viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2020 a las 15:55:26 UTC+1,
victormar...@gmail.com escribió:
> Did you try with escaped double quotes? Something like:
>- bat "\"${msbuild}\" AoC/Source/project-GRDK.sln /t:Rebuild
>/p:configuration=\"Release Steam D3D11\" "