Re: Separation of JUnit results by TestSuite

2020-08-05 Thread jeremy mordkoff
I believe this construct in the junit xml files can be safely modified to force jenkins to see the test results as two separate tests > Hi, > > I found a strange phenomenon in test result display of jenkins. I had two > tests with very instable test results, good, bad, bad, good, good, good and

Re: Jenkins emailext plugin with default subject and body in pipeline script

2020-08-05 Thread Slide
The quotes I had in my example are important, you need single quotes so that Groovy (which pipeline is built on) does not try and interpolate the variable (as you have seen, it doesn't exist in the groovy context). emailext ( to: 'mym...@my.dom, replyTo: ' mym...@my

Start other Job from Jenkinsfile or wait until other job is finished

2020-08-05 Thread David Koenig
Hi, i want to start another Jenkinsjob from within my declarative Jenkinsfile. I do that with following command: build *job*: 'My-gitea-org/my-gitea-repo2/master', *wait*: *true* This sub-job (my-gitea-repo2) will be triggered by several other jobs. So i want to check if the sub-job is curre

Re: Jenkins emailext plugin with default subject and body in pipeline script

2020-08-05 Thread David Koenig
Hi, sorry for the late response, i was away a few days. i am new to jenkins, so please forgive me to ask some silly questions. Did i understand this right? It doesn't work directly out of a Jenkinsfile? I tried emailext ( to: 'mym...@my.dom, replyTo: ' mym...