[ANN]: Free Jenkins Training

2018-11-20 Thread Alyssa Tong
Hi All, I thought I'd pass this along in case anyone is interested in some free Jenkins training: - Thinking About Jenkins Security - Jenkins Administration - Fundamentals

Jenkins Ignore Committer Strategy Plugin and job DSL

2018-11-20 Thread Neil T
HI All The 'Jenkins Ignore Committer Strategy Plugin ' does what I need with a multibranch pipeline but I can't find a way to configure it via the job DSL builder that works for me. Has anyone got some example DSL ? I can't stick the config in the branchSources block. there's another way , to

Re: Unable to collect failure test case robot framework logs/reports via jenkins plans to the tester board setup.

2018-11-20 Thread srinivasan
Sorry it was my mistake I have not included in my local branch in Jenkins correctly.. Sorry once again, please ignore my inline query... On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 3:21 PM srinivasan wrote: > > I have one more jenkins Plan/Job performing "Wi-Fi" testing (validating > Negative Scenario) on differen

Jenkins Docker Sidecar with Container Running a daemon command

2018-11-20 Thread Justin Seiser
I want to run ZAP as a proxy in my pipeline, and run my selenium tests through the proxy. Im just using curl in a container in place of selenium for my testing and was able to make this work locally using docker. In my pipeline, zap starts up, but the pipeline just sits in the zap container aft

Re: Unable to collect failure test case robot framework logs/reports via jenkins plans to the tester board setup.

2018-11-20 Thread srinivasan
I have one more jenkins Plan/Job performing "Wi-Fi" testing (validating Negative Scenario) on different target with the same SoC and OS linux (might be the build version might be different not sure whether if this is really causing the issue), as below when I run it manually on the target, the te

Re: Unable to collect failure test case robot framework logs/reports via jenkins plans to the tester board setup.

2018-11-20 Thread srinivasan
Dear Ruud, When I try to use the --nostatusrc as below I see the below error: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_dtfb root@${board_ip} 'python3 -m robot --variable SIGNAL_LEVEL_THRESHOLD:-70 --variable SSID:"NI WiFi" --variable PW:"abcddfefgh1234!" --

RE: Jenkins shows exception after plugin updates

2018-11-20 Thread David Aldrich
Addressed by https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-54686 From: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of David Aldrich Sent: 20 November 2018 09:37 To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com Subject: RE: Jenkins shows exception after plugin updates Looks like one of these is responsible:

Re: Need help debugging ChannelClosedExceptions

2018-11-20 Thread Daniel Weber
Hi Martin, thanks for your reply. In what state is that alternative remoting implementation? We keep having these issues, one reason seems to be bandwidth limitations between our company network and AWS. But that's not the only one, we also run into this "on premise", without AWS being in the p

RE: Jenkins shows exception after plugin updates

2018-11-20 Thread David Aldrich
Looks like one of these is responsible: SSH slaves, Branch-API, CloudBees-Bitbucket-Branch-Source, CloudBees-Folder, Display-Url-API, Git-Client David From: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of David Aldrich Sent: 20 November 2018 09:26 To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com Subject: J

Re: Unable to collect failure test case robot framework logs/reports via jenkins plans to the tester board setup.

2018-11-20 Thread srinivasan
In the above point number 1. ie., regarding the fix "*ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_dtfb root@${board_ip} 'python3 -m robot --outputdir results ~/qa/robot_tests/bios_settings_verification.robot || true'"* *I need to press "F5" for getting updated

Jenkins shows exception after plugin updates

2018-11-20 Thread David Aldrich
Hi I installed some plugin updates this morning. Now Jenkins won't start properly. It shows a long exception trace in the browser window, some of which shown below. Any advice please? Should I open a Jira for it? Best regards David org.apache.commons.jexl.parser.ASTReferenceExpression.value

Re: Unable to collect failure test case robot framework logs/reports via jenkins plans to the tester board setup.

2018-11-20 Thread srinivasan
You're Awesome Ruud, and hereafter if you dont mind can I send all jenkins and robot frameworks issues to you? 1. Yeah this really worked, I have just changed the line to "python3 -m robot --outputdir results ~/qa/robot_tests/bios_settings_verification.robot || true" as you suggested, it started w

Re: Get list of users who has access to a project role

2018-11-20 Thread LnT
Thanks to All, I found workaround. Written python script, takes input of */config.xml* , parse and get the users. Hope this will help someone like me. from xml.dom import minidom xmldoc = minidom.parse(*'config.xml'*) roleList = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(*'role'*) for role in roleList: