Re: How to dockerize jenkins in the right way ?

2018-09-21 Thread Baptiste Mathus
Do not mount data from the host. It's called a bind-mount and is generally strongly discouraged. Not sure what is your purpose *exactly*. To store data and be able to upgrade,I have written recently. Fo

Re: Dockerised Jenkins Hangs NPM Install

2018-09-21 Thread Baptiste Mathus
IIUC, you're using a bind mount. You want to avoid it. See Also, I seem to understand you're running your workload on the master node. You want to strongly prefer setting the master with 0 executor, and r

RE: Revoke user tokens warning

2018-09-21 Thread
You might want to wait for someone else to confirm this, but for us at least: You’re correct, that the front page login is unrelated to the tokens. We revoked all legacy tokens without problems. We had a couple of infrastructure accounts using tokens, which we knew about (and set up new-style tok

Revoke user tokens warning

2018-09-21 Thread Jonathan Bergh
Hi all, thanks in advance for any assistance. we have recently received the Jenkins security warning about users using a Legacy token. This is a production installation so before i hit the "revoke" button for all users, i just wanted to check what this actually does? all our users log in via

Re: How to check plugin version for a specific jenkins version

2018-09-21 Thread Narahari 'n' Savitha
Thank you for your help. Good to know that plugins are relatively safe to use. -Narahari On Friday, September 21, 2018 at 12:14:19 AM UTC-4, Mark Waite wrote: > > The Jenkins-Version field embedded in the plugin manifest file is the > minimum Jenkins version supported, not the maximum. Jenkins

Re: Jenkins master & slave connectivity after master restarts in kubernetes

2018-09-21 Thread Carlos Sanchez
This should work barring pipeline bugs, you would need to check the master and agent logs On Tue, Sep 18, 2018, 22:19 wrote: > we have a dynamic slave setup with kubernetes plugin. we have just one > master and one replica at this point with master home pointing to PV. > whenever the master goes

Re: Dockerised Jenkins Hangs NPM Install

2018-09-21 Thread sweeny_here
0down voteaccept The issue is now resolved and consisted of two parts - First off - the EFS mount point directory (/var/jenkins_home) required permissions of 777, it doesn't need to be a recursive permission. The new EFS disk had content migrated from the old Jenkins EFS and this was also con