Need Github pull request number as environment variable

2017-05-25 Thread Cody Ebberson
Hello, I'm configuring Github + Jenkins + Sonar. Almost everything is working, and I am incredibly pleased (great job!) I'm now struggling with one missing piece which seems like it should be simple. The last piece I need is the Github pull request *number* as an environment variable to pass

Re: Jenkins IIS Reverse Proxy

2017-05-25 Thread Stephen Connolly Looks like the URL rewrite rule is setup wrong and is double prefix with https://... On Thu 25 May 2017 at 20:45, Terry Lacy wrote: > Here's so

Docker Slaves like plugin

2017-05-25 Thread Jacob Larsen
Does anybody know what will happen to the Docker Slaves plugin? It looks like development has halted when looking at commit activity. I took a look at the Dockins stuff, but it looks like that is just as dead. Does anybody know where I should look if I have these requirements: * The jenkins slav

Re: Jenkins IIS Reverse Proxy

2017-05-25 Thread Terry Lacy
Here's some extra information I haven't posted before. The wiki page linked from the "More Info" button ( says this curl command will provide more info: curl -iL -e http://your.reverse.proxy/jenkins/manag

Re: emailext jelly template access changetSet

2017-05-25 Thread Jérôme Godbout
I haven't found the way to make it work into Jelly and did not found time to test Groovy template either sadly :-( I made many changes manually by a replace function into a copy of the template before sending the template so I probably will be able to replace the changelog with the following pipel

Error Cannot run program

2017-05-25 Thread Rodolfo Domingues Junior
Good afternoon people I am with a problem to run a build of ansible-plugin on Jenkins server, the command run but show the error message. I tried with user jenkins and user root Started by user anonymous Building in workspace /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cron [C

Re: emailext jelly template access changetSet

2017-05-25 Thread Manny DaSilva
I'm in the same situation. Have you found a solution using Jelly? I tried currentBuild.changeSets as described in the doc but it doesn't work in the Jelly template. On Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 12:09:22 PM UTC-4, wrote: > > I haven't tested this yet, but does this groovy

Resume pipeline on a different slave

2017-05-25 Thread Michal Tekel'
Hi, I have a question if it is possible to configure Jenkins to resume pipeline build (e.g. after Jenkins restart) on any slave which has required labels. Currently jenkins will only try to resume on the exactly same build slave the pipeline was running on before. But sometimes, this slave is n

setting the description of a view in pipelines

2017-05-25 Thread Richard Ginga
I want to build a table and put is as a view's description. I found the below code that does work in the script console but in a pipeline it shows no failure but does not work. here the the entire pipeline: import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse stage

[SOLVED] Re: Pipeline uses 2 executors when changing node

2017-05-25 Thread Andreas Tscharner
On 19.05.2017 15:31, Andreas Tscharner wrote: > Hello World, Hello again, > I found the solution. > Now I created a pipeline which starts at a "build" node. It runs there > and displays "part of ...". > Now at some point in the pipeline I want to switch to an "aat" node for I switched to that a

Re: [EXTERNAL] - Re: Notify "n Minutes before Job Starts"

2017-05-25 Thread Chandanlal Chouhan
I have added a bash script to do this and it's working smoothly. On Wednesday, 24 May 2017 14:58:58 UTC+1, Dirk Heinrichs wrote: > > Am 24.05.2017 um 12:23 schrieb Chandanlal Chouhan: > > I am actually looking for similar kind of solution in which I need to send > email using email-extn plugin be

Re: Having Jenkins update itself from 2.52 to 2.62 fails, saying it needs Java7

2017-05-25 Thread James Nord
Given you installed from the msi I would upgrade from the msi (running the new msi should upgrade everything. Test first!) On 24 May 2017 7:39 pm, Jeremy Morton wrote:Jenkins requires Java7 or later, but you are running 1.7.0_25-b17 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jreIt looks like Jenkins now