Jenkins Ldap Authentication

2017-03-09 Thread ali kahveci
Hello Everyone, I am using jenkins 2.32. I want to connect LDAP server for user authentication. I configured jenkins for this but it does not work. How can i connect to LDAP server and authentication users throught Active Directory and manage users from LDAP in jenkins? Thank you for now. --

Re: Using extended choice parameter in Jenkins

2017-03-09 Thread VikS
Thank you, I never scripted using Groovy and tried this *String fileContents = new File("C:/temp/applicationlist.txt").text* which did not work... On Friday, March 10, 2017 at 11:04:10 AM UTC+8, Ioannis Moutsatsos wrote: > > Take a look at the Active Choices plugin >

upgrade from 1.625.18.3 à 1.651.x.x first à

2017-03-09 Thread Sukumar Reddy
When we upgrade from 1.625.18.3 à 1.651.x.x first à will there be any impact or affect to existing folder, pipeline, free-style and maven style jobs -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group an

Re: Zip and archive folder/sub folders

2017-03-09 Thread 'Baswaraj Malage' via Jenkins Users
> Thank you for your suggestions. However, I got below error on running zip > bat command. > zip zipFile: '' archive: true dir: 'screenprint' glob: '**/*.png' 'zip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. -Baswaraj -- You received th

Re: Groovy generator bug with parameterized properties

2017-03-09 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Hmm.. The Active choices plugin has not been tested in this context and neither currently supports Scripted or Declarative pipelines. I would suggest that you add an issue to the Active Choices JIRA issues for future consideration. Thank you! On

Re: Using extended choice parameter in Jenkins

2017-03-09 Thread Ioannis Moutsatsos
Take a look at the Active Choices plugin instead. A simple Groovy script can be used to read the text file and return a list of the choices. On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 6:31:36 AM UTC-5, VikS wrote: > > -3 down vote favorite

Re: What is the freestyle "inject environment variables" equivalent inside blue ocean pipelines?

2017-03-09 Thread Bill Dennis
Hi - Yes, I have done this JSON parse. Example on my Github: It is a bit ugly as it needs script approvals (or turn off pipeline sandbox or put the code in a trusted global pipeline library). You n

Re: Plugin to get the plugins diff between two Jenkins servers

2017-03-09 Thread Fritz Elfert
Don't know about a plugin, but I would use jenkins-cli and a little shell-script like this instead (untested, because written as I wrote this mail): #!/bin/sh JURL1=http://jenkins1.url JURL2=http://jenkins2.url curl -L $JURL1/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar > jenkins1-cli.jar java -jar jenkins1-cli.jar -

Plugin to get the plugins diff between two Jenkins servers

2017-03-09 Thread alok joshi
Hi folks, I am wondering if there exists a plugin which takes a Jenkins URL as input, credentials as input and returns a list of *extra* set/list of plugins installed on this remote Jenkins, as compared to the Jenkins instance I am logged into. It will have a similar UI experience with Job-import

Re: What is the freestyle "inject environment variables" equivalent inside blue ocean pipelines?

2017-03-09 Thread jeremy . desvaux
Hi Bill. I've tried many things with no luck. So I've got this JSON credential file whose content looks like this: { "sshUserKey":"sshuserval", "sshHostKey":"sshhostval" } I've successfully managed to open this file in my pipeline: withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'secrettest', variab

GitLAB Integration

2017-03-09 Thread Emory Penney
Hi, I'm trying to get GitLab ( connected to my GitLab EE server (8.16.2-ee). It was working fine until recently. We have two GitLab projects which trigger Jenkins jobs. One of them had never worked, for some reason Jenkins gave us er

Move location of build history, separate from config

2017-03-09 Thread Gastro Man
Is it possible to configure Jenkins so the jobs' build history is not contained in the same directory as the config.xml? Ideally, I would prefer all the configs to be together in an area ("job_config" folder) that I can put in source control, backup, quickly search and compare, and manage. An

Help required with arguments for Amazon EC2 plugin

2017-03-09 Thread prabha KR
Hi, We are using Amazon EC2 plugin to create Ubuntu host on aws. EC2 plugin creates Ubuntu host always in default VPC and I don't see an option to provide vpc id as an input to plugin. Our requirement is to create a Ubuntu host in vpc which is already created in aws. please someone help me with mo

Re: Zip and archive folder/sub folders

2017-03-09 Thread jerome
glob is the ant style syntax to fetch you png files: zip zipFile: '' archive: true dir: 'screenprint' glob: '**/*.png' Else you may want to create a folder and copy all the file into it then zip it. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkin

Re: 'build job' inside nose in pipeline job raise error

2017-03-09 Thread Limor Shemesh
Correction: build job' inside node{} in pipeline job raises error On Thursday, March 9, 2017 at 2:56:46 PM UTC+2, Limor Shemesh wrote: > > I have created pipeline job which run stages in parallel. > The following build job: > build job: 'dir_agents/build_agent_centos_final_premium', parameters: >

Re: Jenkins2 BlueOcean loading jobs fails

2017-03-09 Thread GS_L
Hi Somehow it is woking now. I pressed the button several times till I got all the jobs list. On Monday, March 6, 2017 at 6:49:54 PM UTC+2, James Dumay wrote: > > Hi there, > > I believe you are likely hitting the bug described in JENKINS-40088 >

Re: Pipeline Model Definition from within a global shared library?

2017-03-09 Thread Tim Downey
Closing the loop on this in case it helps out someone else. This is not currently possible. See JENKINS-42224 for more info. Thanks Andrew Bayer for letting me know. On Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 3:11:31 PM UTC-5, Tim Downey wrote: > > Hi,

"Page expects a form submission" error when trying to remotely trigger job

2017-03-09 Thread Substance586
I'm trying to trigger a Jenkins job from my local CLI and, while it worked yesterday, today I can't get past "javax.servlet.ServletException: This page expects a form submission but had only {token=[Ljava.lang.String;@} exceptions. Here is my CLI command: curl -v -X POST http:///jenkins/jo

Mocha phantomjs with jenkins

2017-03-09 Thread prithvi raj krishna
Hi, I am having trouble using phantomjs with mocha (mocha-phantomjs). As part of the npm install phase, it tries to download the phantomjs binary but it fails. I see that the proxy settings are correct. Anyone have experience with this ? The error log for reference 2017-03-09 14:24:40,618

multibranch pipeline will not poll

2017-03-09 Thread Travis Camechis
Hey guys, I have a multibranch pipeline defined but it will not poll. It is set up like such node { git poll: true, url: 'ssh://.' stage("build") { checkout scm } Any suggestions on why this would not poll ? Also how do you tell it how often ? Thanks -- You received t

slave bat command doesn't continue jenkinsfile upon completion

2017-03-09 Thread jerome
Hi, I'm having many trouble with bat method into my Jenkinsfile, the command complete but the execution flow stop, both master (CentOS) and slave (Windows 10) thread are waiting for each other. The following open bug seem related into the behavior. 1.

Jenkinsfile from release package?

2017-03-09 Thread robert . waters
We are using Jenkinsfile and multibranch for the continuous part of our development pipeline, which ends with code deployed into the integration environment. Moving forward into QA, UA, Prod etc we have scheduled or as-needed releases. We would like to reuse the deployment part of our pipelin

Re: [EXTERNAL] - Problem spawning background process from Groovy script

2017-03-09 Thread Dirk Heinrichs
On 09.03.2017 13:23, Dirk Heinrichs wrote: > How can I spawn a background process from a Groovy script in Jenkins > so that it's still running when the script ends? OK, nevermind. Seems the background process is killed because the job's next step failed (which is OK). Bye... Dirk -- *Dirk

Re: Pretested Integration Plugin

2017-03-09 Thread Masaru Tsuchiyama
Hi. A Free Style Project' has 'Use Pretested Integration' option in Build Environment section. But a Multi-configuration multi-branch project doesn't have the option. Doesn't it support the option? Regards. Masaru. Masaru Tsuchiyama wrote: Hi. Thank you for the reply. I already installed

'build job' inside nose in pipeline job raise error

2017-03-09 Thread Limor Shemesh
I have created pipeline job which run stages in parallel. The following build job: build job: 'dir_agents/build_agent_centos_final_premium', parameters: [string(name: 'tag', value: 'master')] raise the error: org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException

Re: Pretested Integration Plugin

2017-03-09 Thread Masaru Tsuchiyama
Hi. Thank you for the reply. I already installed it. Masaru. Daniel Beck wrote: On 09.03.2017, at 12:43, Masaru Tsuchiyama wrote: How can I install it from Jenkins? Is it already installed? Are you running Jenkins 1.580 or newer? Try searching just "pretested". -- Masaru Tsuchiyama

Problem spawning background process from Groovy script

2017-03-09 Thread Dirk Heinrichs
Hi, I've got a job that runs a Groovy script which should pull from a Mercurial repo, merge a given branch and then serve the result to sub jobs running in a multijob phase to perform builds on different OS's. For this to achieve, the script should spawn a "hg serve" process into the background. O

Re: Pretested Integration Plugin

2017-03-09 Thread Daniel Beck
> On 09.03.2017, at 12:43, Masaru Tsuchiyama wrote: > > How can I install it from Jenkins? Is it already installed? Are you running Jenkins 1.580 or newer? Try searching just "pretested". -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To

Pretested Integration Plugin

2017-03-09 Thread Masaru Tsuchiyama
Hi I searched 'Pretested Integration Plugin' at available plugins in Jenkins, but couldn't find it. How can I install it from Jenkins? Regards. Masaru -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

Using extended choice parameter in Jenkins

2017-03-09 Thread VikS
-3 down vote favorite I would like to create an Extended Choice Parameter option and for the choices to be listed from a text file? Would it be possible and if yes, how can i achieve that? [image: Imag

Re: What is the freestyle "inject environment variables" equivalent inside blue ocean pipelines?

2017-03-09 Thread Bill Dennis
It can be any format file you like XML, properties, txt whatever you need for some sort of configuration (except large binary files I guess). There is a CloudBees article here that should help: T

Re: What is the freestyle "inject environment variables" equivalent inside blue ocean pipelines?

2017-03-09 Thread jeremy . desvaux
Hi Bill. Thanks so much for your reply. I like this credential file option. That would mean I can create a file with all the environment variables I need for my branches inside (one per branch I guess). And if I could scope it inside my project folder even better. I've tried to google informa