Re: how to use git commands inside a Multi Branch Project?

2016-12-09 Thread Michael Kobit
We haven't really figured both this Git issue yet, but another problem we ran into when running builds in Docker containers is described in where the s

Re: Unmask credentials in pipeline

2016-12-09 Thread Michael Kobit
You can also do something like what I reported in this issue . On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 1:20 PM Raja Chinnam wrote: > Hi Sophie > It works in a pipeline when I have that code in a function and have it > return the values, like this: > def getuname

Techniques for managing an scp call to a remote box, with a specific principal

2016-12-09 Thread David Karr
This mostly isn't a Jenkins question, but I would think many people here would have to deal with this kind of situation. I have a Jenkins pipeline job that produces a javadoc jar (among other products). I'm going to need to deploy that content into a directory tree on a remote box (using some v

Re: Build Pipeline as Code in Jenkins 2.0 for iOS projects

2016-12-09 Thread Daniel Beck
> On 09.12.2016, at 23:48, Daniel Beck wrote: > > Is it just me or are all the code samples missing all the newlines? Ah, yes, that was me/my browser. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop r

Re: Build Pipeline as Code in Jenkins 2.0 for iOS projects

2016-12-09 Thread Daniel Beck
> On 09.12.2016, at 19:12, Manuel Morejón wrote: > > I would like to have some suggestions related this topic. Recently I wrote an > article and I'm glad to receive some feedback. > > Is it just me or are all the co

Re: Request for participation: Jenkins Security Officer candidates

2016-12-09 Thread Alyssa Tong
Congrats Daniel. On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 1:21 PM, R. Tyler Croy wrote: > > In this week's Governance Meeting it was announced that the board has > appointed > Daniel Beck to his second term as the Jenkins Security Officer > > See

Re: Request for participation: Jenkins Security Officer candidates

2016-12-09 Thread R. Tyler Croy
In this week's Governance Meeting it was announced that the board has appointed Daniel Beck to his second term as the Jenkins Security Officer See For more information about Jenkins CERT or our responsible disclosure policie

Re: Spawn multiple jobs

2016-12-09 Thread Bryce Pepper
I tried the Groovy plugin and also the Build Flow Plugin... I can get multiple jobs started in parallel but I can't get the parameter to pass to the child jobs. import hudson.model.* def inputParameter = build.buildVariableResolver.resolve("inputParameter") def branches = [:] def int i = 0 inpu

Re: Unmask credentials in pipeline

2016-12-09 Thread Raja Chinnam
Hi Sophie It works in a pipeline when I have that code in a function and have it return the values, like this: def getuname(){ withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'builduser', passwordVariable: 'PASSWD', usernameVariable: 'USRNAME')]) { // some block return USRNAM

Re: Block Jobs from running on same nodes

2016-12-09 Thread Andrew Bayer
Yup, that's exactly the use case Throttle Concurrent Builds plugin was written for. =) On Dec 8, 2016 07:59, "Andrew Gray" wrote: > Hey all, > > Is there a known way to be able to block a job from running on some node > ONLY IF there are other specified jobs running on that same node? > > For ex

Build Pipeline as Code in Jenkins 2.0 for iOS projects

2016-12-09 Thread Manuel Morejón
Hi team, I would like to have some suggestions related this topic. Recently I wrote an article and I'm glad to receive some feedback. Thanks to all. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

How to customize the email based on attachments?

2016-12-09 Thread jselenium
Hello Friends, I am new to Jenkins and configuring a job to run my automated selenium tests and have a need to send the email based on my build result and attachments. Current Scenario - After my test run , i am attaching an .xml file and screenshots to the email notification. Content Type

How to create Jenkinsfolder/subview through Jenkinsfile

2016-12-09 Thread Prabhat Singh
I am trying to load multiple Jenkinsfile existing in a branch using below method. Now i want to create folder/subview where i want to load respective Jenkinsfile. Need help in syntax of how to create jenkins folder/subview through Jenkinsfile node { git url: '

How to create Jenkinsfolder/subview through Jenkinsfile

2016-12-09 Thread Prabhat Singh
I am loading trying to load multiple Jenkinsfile existing in a branch using below method. Now i want to create folder/subview where i want to load respective Jenkinsfile. Need help in syntax of how to create jenkins folder/subview through Jenkinsfile node {git url: '

Re: Spawn multiple jobs

2016-12-09 Thread Bryce Pepper
Thanks for the quick reply. I am not familiar with the pipeline plugin but was wondering how that job gets parameters, is it in the advanced project options? The scripting does not look difficult and I would follow the jobs_in_parallel.groovy example. On Friday, December 9, 2016 at 9:18:29 AM

Re: Spawn multiple jobs

2016-12-09 Thread Daniel Beck
Could probably be done with a Pipeline: Get the parameter, tokenize, then call build(…) a bunch of times in a (C-style) loop. > On 09.12.2016, at 15:54, Bryce Pepper wrote: > > I would like to start a new jenkins job for each word passed in a parameter. > > I could use a post > > for eachWord

Spawn multiple jobs

2016-12-09 Thread Bryce Pepper
I would like to start a new jenkins job for each word passed in a parameter. I could use a post for eachWord in ${inputParameter//,/ }; do { curl -X POST --silent --show-error --user user:token \ $JENKINS_URL/job/testJob/buildWithParameters?inputParameter=${eachWord} } done but I was