Jenkins users,
Has anyone tackled this? For example, there are 5 build pipelines - each
independent of each other and the idea is to start these jobs during the night
with the status of upstream jobs passed to downstream jobs.
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On Saturday, August 15, 2015, Vanetta Floyd wrote:
> Please accept my apologies for misunderstanding the answer you provided,
No worries, it may have been less than entirely clear due to being composed
on a phone
> as well as the purpose of this board.
To be clear, this mailing list is
Please accept my apologies for misunderstanding the answer you provided, as
well as the purpose of this board.
On Aug 14, 2015 3:00 PM, "Stephen Connolly"
> You could use a groovy script. Other than that you are SOoL
> For CloudBees Jenkins Platform I have just implemented move/copy
> fu
This does not work on a Windows node. One has to use a batch script like
rmdir /s /q %cd% 2>null& exit /b 0
Unfortunately jenkins seems to put that batch script itself into the
workspace folder (besides some log files). Thus executing the mentioned
batch file deletes that file itself and th