Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue with three identical servers where the build times are
not consistent because of the svn plugin.
This has bugged me for the past few weeks and I can't find anything that
could help.
I posted the details on stackoverflow
I didn't know about xshell plugin, but it is neat! I added
https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-26169 to track this.
This should be a relatively straight-forward task if anyone is interested.
2014-12-18 9:14 GMT-08:00 Les Mikesell :
> Does the workflow plugin include anything similar to
using jenkins to locally build and run a bunch of dropwizard based
applications, we use shell scripts and nohup to start these on local
machines. In jenkins, there is a post build script to copy the newly built
application to some run folder and then execute the shell script that
Mark was correct, this was JENKINS-25212. I've fixed this problem in
git-server plugin 1.6.
2014-12-15 8:54 GMT-08:00 Kenneth Baltrinic :
> I am slaying other dragons right now but will circle back and investigate
> the possibility at some point. Good tip though. Thanks.
> On Monday, Decembe
Does the workflow plugin include anything similar to the Xshell plugin
to allow executing an external command and having the syntax adjusted
automatically if the node happens to be running windows?
Les Mikesell
You received this message because you are subscr
Our Jenkins instance is logging a lot messages of type:
Dec 18, 2014 4:13:40 PM SEVERE org.jinterop.dcom.core.PingObject read
Some error ! Simple ping failed , hresult: 1912
All slaves are online so I don't know what ping is failing.
Any suggestions for how to investigate this please?