Re: Release notes from XX previous build change logs in Markdown

2014-08-23 Thread Brenton Bartel
I thought HockeyApp already had the radio button to do that (or is it broken?) ... This would still only put it in the current build, not necessarily for span over build numbers, correct? I'm thinking more simply xml -> MD converter/executor. On 22 August 2014 18:01, Daniel Beck wrote: > Looks

Jenkins Plugin for vCloud Director

2014-08-23 Thread Ares Zhu
Dear All, I am wondering if any of you have tried to use jenkins plugin for vmware vcloud director 5.5. Maybe I am not searching in the right place, but I can't seem to find any information regarding this. If you could point me to any relevant info, I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Ares

UI very slow to load

2014-08-23 Thread Vincent Massol
Hi guys, At XWiki ( we've been using Jenkins for a long time but we've had performance issues for a while. I've disabled the Dashboard plugin that we were using in order to track down the performance issues. But even after disabling we still have issues. It happens that regula