Re: [Help - only 2 mins] Jenkins icons ... browser compatibility...

2014-06-09 Thread Chanda Unmack
I also get "Not found" Chrome Version 35.0.1916.114 On Sun, Jun 8, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Slide wrote: > I get "Not found" > On Jun 8, 2014 7:07 AM, "Tom Fennelly" wrote: > >> We're looking at the possibility of changing Jenkins to use CSS3 based >> icons (instead of directly loading images) but wa

Need a groovy script to list all builds queued for a project

2014-06-09 Thread Amir Katz
I need to get the list of all future (queued) builds of a specific project. My first course was the REST API (http://my-ci-server/job/my-job/api/json), but it only shows the current executing build and the next one to be executed. The rest of the queue is not returned by the API. In the web UI,

Re: disown child process

2014-06-09 Thread Matt Wilson
I believe its RedHat 5.8. I'll mention the service idea. This is one of those scenarios where I don't "own" the deployment server. They've set it up to there tastes and I'm simply automating a manual task for them. cheers Matt On Saturday, June 7, 2014 12:41:54 AM UTC-4, Richard Bywater wrot

Re: How to use global parameters in a build that is part of a build pipeline

2014-06-09 Thread Eric Wood
Ok, the use of global varaibles/parameters is pretty simple, merely set them in the  manage jenkins ->configure system->Global Properties-> environment variables and set a series of name/value pairs.  In the jenkins job I reference them in the ANT properties box as name=${Global_property_1}.  In

Re: "Las duration" column has wrong value when running several multi-configuration jobs simultaneously

2014-06-09 Thread jose oca
[THE IMAGES WERE NOT ATTACHED] I found this behaviour: When running *"multi-configuration"* jobs, the value of the "Last duration" column is calculated adding the building time of all the jobs that are being built at the same time.

Re: What is those "WARNING: Failed to inspect" in the Jenkins logs?

2014-06-09 Thread Mohammad Ali
Hey Guys, This seems to be an issue affecting us regularly . I have opened a request but if any one has any solution we can implement, please let me know. Thanks, Faizan On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 3:47:34 PM UTC+5:30, Kishore RP wrote: > >