Welcome to the Testing and Automation FOSDEM 2013 Call For Participation!
We will be hosting a developer room all day Saturday, February 2nd 2013 at
This is the first year for the Testing/Automation dev room at FOSDEM. This room
is about creating better software through a focus on testing
I have a Jenkins 1.490 installation on a machine running Windows Server
2008. The Jenkins installation is secured using Jenkins own user database
with matrix-based security authorization. Anonymous users don't have any
access, except to register an account. I have set up an account and gave
I tried use Redmine plugn
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Redmine+Plugin and I do this:
1. Create a project one Redmine and a Issue Ticket
2. I did a commit on Git like this:
git commit -am "closes 001" where 001 is the number of my ticket Issue on
Unfortunately nothing hap