[JIRA] [xfpanel-plugin] (JENKINS-28914) Group jobs into projects
Title: Message Title Bart Kummel created an issue
[JIRA] [delivery-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-28848) Erratic PIPELINE_VERSION behavior with other Parameters
Title: Message Title Patrik Boström commented on JENKINS-28848
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28915) Thread Death and build number is already in use
Title: Message Title Michael Damberger created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28915) Thread Death and build number is already in use
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28915
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-26277) Memory leak
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-26277
[JIRA] [ghprb-plugin] (JENKINS-28916) ghbrp PKIX path validation failed
Title: Message Title Adam Gavish created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11851) More options for default parameters
Title: Message Title Hannes Kogler commented on JENKINS-11851
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11851) More options for default parameters
Title: Message Title Hannes Kogler edited a comment on JENKINS-11851
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-13864) JDK auto installer installs to a different path than JAVA_HOME for a build uses
Title: Message Title Nikolay Diakov commented on JENKINS-13864
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28915) Thread Death and build number is already in use
Title: Message Title Michael Damberger commented on JENKINS-28915
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28915) Thread Death and build number is already in use
Title: Message Title Michael Damberger edited a comment on JENKINS-28915
[JIRA] [swarm-plugin] (JENKINS-28917) Swarm CLI with latest Jenkins Slave Jar
Title: Message Title Karthi Venkataraman created an issue
[JIRA] [vsphere-cloud-plugin] (JENKINS-28870) allow specifying target host when cloning a VM
Title: Message Title Ichai Luzon assigned an issue to Ichai Luzon
[JIRA] [vsphere-cloud-plugin] (JENKINS-28870) allow specifying target host when cloning a VM
Title: Message Title Ichai Luzon started work on JENKINS-28870
[JIRA] [swarm-plugin] (JENKINS-28917) Swarm CLI with latest Jenkins Slave Jar
Title: Message Title Karthi Venkataraman updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11851) More options for default parameters
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-11851
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-10629) Tar implimentation can't handle > 8GB and doesn't error out.
Title: Message Title Olaf Lenz commented on JENKINS-10629
[JIRA] [delivery-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-28918) Ability to browse previous pipeline with paging
Title: Message Title Marcin Zajączkowski created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-10629) Tar implimentation can't handle > 8GB and doesn't error out.
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev commented on JENKINS-10629
[JIRA] [build-blocker-plugin] (JENKINS-28919) Build-Blocker-Plugin NullPointerException
Title: Message Title Christoph Vogtländer created an issue
[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-22542) Subversion polling not work with externals or variables in URL - E200015: No credential to try.
Title: Message Title Rene Affourtit commented on JENKINS-22542
[JIRA] [performance-plugin] (JENKINS-27373) Performance Plugin fails with java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero (divide by zero)
Title: Message Title Raoul Adler commented on JENKINS-27373
[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-22542) Subversion polling not work with externals or variables in URL - E200015: No credential to try.
Title: Message Title stephenconnolly commented on JENKINS-22542
[JIRA] [docker-build-step-plugin] (JENKINS-28920) Support multiple Docker servers
Title: Message Title vjuranek created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11851) More options for default parameters
Title: Message Title Hannes Kogler reopened an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11851) More options for default parameters
Title: Message Title Hannes Kogler assigned an issue to Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11851) More options for default parameters
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck assigned an issue to Unassigned
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11851) More options for default parameters
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-11851
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28915) Thread Death and build number is already in use
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28915
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-22346) CLI commands with private key for nonexistent user fail with EOFException from DataInputStream.readBoolean
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-22346
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh created an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh updated an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh updated an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh updated an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh updated an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh updated an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh updated an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Sandra Greenhalgh updated an issue
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-28906) Provide information about build requirements
Title: Message Title Gustave Laville resolved as Cannot Reproduce
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-28906) Provide information about build requirements
Title: Message Title Gustave Laville commented on JENKINS-28906
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26529) Changeset should be generated on executing node (case 12604)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26529
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26593) Performance issues with large changesets (case 12606)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26593
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26985) Poll rebase functionality (case 12578)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26985
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-28835) Reintroduce component for poll rebase
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28835
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-28835) Reintroduce component for poll rebase
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28835
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26985) Poll rebase functionality (case 12578)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26985
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-28835) Reintroduce component for poll rebase
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28835
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26985) Poll rebase functionality (case 12578)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26985
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26985) Poll rebase functionality (case 12578)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26985
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-28835) Reintroduce component for poll rebase
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28835
[JIRA] [clearcase-ucm-plugin] (JENKINS-26484) Poll sibling from named stream (case 12577)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-26484
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27616) Installing JDK on Windows Slaves deletes existing Java installation and reboots Slave
Title: Message Title youri bonnaffe commented on JENKINS-27616
[JIRA] [zaproxy-plugin] (JENKINS-28922) Support authentication
Title: Message Title Simon Bennetts created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28685) NullPointerException when saving Jenkins project
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck resolved as Incomplete
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27289) Masking classLoader doesn`t work on remote Slave
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25164) Provide a short $JOB_NAME inside a folder
Title: Message Title Walter Kacynski commented on JENKINS-25164
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27289) Masking classLoader doesn`t work on remote Slave
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-27289
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27289) Masking classLoader doesn`t work on remote Slave
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-27289
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27289) Masking classLoader doesn`t work on remote Slave
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-27289
[JIRA] [violations-plugin] (JENKINS-28880) Maven builds fail with "IllegalStateException: cannot change build result while in COMPLETED"
Title: Message Title Tomas Bjerre assigned an issue to Tomas Bjerre
[JIRA] [gearman-plugin] (JENKINS-25867) Gearman won't schedule new jobs even though there are slots available on master
Title: Message Title Christian Bremer commented on JENKINS-25867
[JIRA] [violations-plugin] (JENKINS-28880) Maven builds fail with "IllegalStateException: cannot change build result while in COMPLETED"
Title: Message Title Tomas Bjerre started work on JENKINS-28880
[JIRA] [nested-view-plugin] (JENKINS-28923) Nested View causes StackOverflowError
Title: Message Title Tim-Christian Bloss updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18537) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during Jenkins.doConfigSubmit; need XStream 1.4.6
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-18537
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18537) ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during Jenkins.doConfigSubmit; need XStream 1.4.6
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-18537
[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-23846) Jenkins Maven support doesn't handle version ranges in parent definitions
Title: Message Title Christophe Lallement commented on JENKINS-23846
[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-23846) Jenkins Maven support doesn't handle version ranges in parent definitions
Title: Message Title Christophe Lallement edited a comment on JENKINS-23846
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-22346) CLI commands with private key for nonexistent user fail with EOFException from DataInputStream.readBoolean
Title: Message Title Jonathon Golden commented on JENKINS-22346
[JIRA] [parallel-test-executor-plugin] (JENKINS-28924) Make the plugin generic and language neutral
Title: Message Title Timmy Brolin created an issue
[JIRA] [parallel-test-executor-plugin] (JENKINS-28924) Make the plugin generic and language neutral
Title: Message Title Timmy Brolin updated an issue
[JIRA] [windows-slaves-plugin] (JENKINS-25785) Windows slaves controlled as Windows Service do not use credentials manager
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-25785
[JIRA] [windows-slaves-plugin] (JENKINS-25785) Windows slaves controlled as Windows Service do not use credentials manager
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-25785
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick resolved as Not A Defect
[JIRA] [durable-task-plugin] (JENKINS-27476) Plugin casue deadlock on Jenkins LTS 1.596.1
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick resolved as Duplicate
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28892) Parts of workflow not cancelable after crash
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick resolved as Incomplete
[JIRA] [parameterized-trigger-plugin] (JENKINS-28925) Job triggered on failure (when it shouldn't)
Title: Message Title Edgar Merino created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Eloy Lafuente created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28899) Break dependency cycles between credentials and windows-slaves plugins
Title: Message Title Vincent Latombe closed an issue as Fixed
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Eloy Lafuente updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Eloy Lafuente updated an issue
[JIRA] [cloudbees-folder-plugin] (JENKINS-28806) Windows C / C++ project doesn't compile after using cloudbee folder
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick resolved as Incomplete
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28759) Batch steps on slaves randomly hang when complete
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented on JENKINS-28759
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28797) NPE in CpsFlowExecution sometimes results in unkillable build
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick resolved as Incomplete
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28921
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Eloy Lafuente updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28926
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28921) Can't access Jenkins Global Properties from groovy script
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented on JENKINS-28921
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Eloy Lafuente commented on JENKINS-28926
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-22028) HTML in job description does not get rendered (all html tags escaped)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented on JENKINS-22028
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28769) enable codemirror on workflow DSL
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick updated an issue
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28769) enable codemirror on workflow DSL
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28926
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28926) Jenkins queue self-locking without apparent reason?
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck assigned an issue to stephenconnolly