[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28446) UnlabeledLoad.computeQueueLength() includes labeled jobs
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev assigned an issue to Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28446) UnlabeledLoad.computeQueueLength() includes labeled jobs
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev commented on JENKINS-28446
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-24155) Jenkins Slaves Go Offline In Large Quantities and Don't Reconnect Until Reboot
Title: Message Title Vladimir Lazarev commented on JENKINS-24155
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28446) UnlabeledLoad.computeQueueLength() includes labeled jobs
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev commented on JENKINS-28446
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28446) UnlabeledLoad.computeQueueLength() includes labeled jobs
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev started work on JENKINS-28446
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-28448) "Publish Assets delete files when no shelve is used for review
Title: Message Title amit yedidia created an issue
[JIRA] [sonar] (JENKINS-28449) Jenkins with Sonar plugin version 2.2/2.2.1 deadlock problems
Title: Message Title Timo van der Laan created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27864) 1.608 with git plugin deadlock
Title: Message Title Timo van der Laan resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-28450) Publish Assets submit files even if build steps marked as failure
Title: Message Title amit yedidia created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27864) 1.608 with git plugin deadlock
Title: Message Title Timo van der Laan commented on JENKINS-27864
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-13978) Add posibility to copy view
Title: Message Title Marco Ambu commented on JENKINS-13978
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Adonai Elohim updated an issue
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Adonai Elohim commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-24155) Jenkins Slaves Go Offline In Large Quantities and Don't Reconnect Until Reboot
Title: Message Title Vladimir Lazarev edited a comment on JENKINS-24155
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27565) Nodes can be removed as idle before the assigned tasks have started
Title: Message Title stephenconnolly commented on JENKINS-27565
[JIRA] [pretested-integration-plugin] (JENKINS-28370) Error when trying to integrate to non-existing integration branch (Praqma case 13015)
Title: Message Title Bue Petersen updated an issue
[JIRA] [prioritysorter-plugin] (JENKINS-28280) Wrong Job Group is shown in the selector
Title: Message Title Kyrre Havik Eriksen commented on JENKINS-28280
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-26025) Build History window does not show all builds
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck resolved as Incomplete
[JIRA] [scm-sync-configuration-plugin] (JENKINS-21640) scm-sync-configuration plugin doesn't work anymore with Subversion Plugin >=2.0
Title: Message Title Alan Birtles commented on JENKINS-21640
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28380) Give expression examples for restricting where builds can run
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck assigned an issue to Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-28451) few problems when trying to install maven EventSpy when running from jenkins maven project
Title: Message Title Shalom Kazaz created an issue
[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-28451) few problems when trying to install maven EventSpy when running from jenkins maven project
Title: Message Title Shalom Kazaz updated an issue
[JIRA] [performance-plugin] (JENKINS-27373) Performance Plugin fails with java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero (divide by zero)
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-27373
[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-28263) Use same changeset number for all phases
Title: Message Title Thomas Fields commented on JENKINS-28263
[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-24869) POM_VERSION is not resetted
Title: Message Title r04r r04r commented on JENKINS-24869
[JIRA] [slack-plugin] (JENKINS-27985) Slack post may have failed. Response: Private integrations can't post to public channels
Title: Message Title ben slaughter commented on JENKINS-27985
[JIRA] [batch-task-plugin] (JENKINS-24581) tasks status icon not visible at overview of single task
Title: Message Title acollins commented on JENKINS-24581
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-26582) ISE from RunMap.put using /git/notifyCommit on a matrix project
Title: Message Title philbeiler commented on JENKINS-26582
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-26582) ISE from RunMap.put using /git/notifyCommit on a matrix project
Title: Message Title philbeiler edited a comment on JENKINS-26582
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-26582) ISE from RunMap.put using /git/notifyCommit on a matrix project
Title: Message Title philbeiler updated an issue
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-26582) ISE from RunMap.put using /git/notifyCommit on a matrix project
Title: Message Title philbeiler commented on JENKINS-26582
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-26582) ISE from RunMap.put using /git/notifyCommit on a matrix project
Title: Message Title philbeiler edited a comment on JENKINS-26582
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook-plugin] (JENKINS-28452) Push event web hook triggers all jobs regardless of Branch Specifier
Title: Message Title Michael Giuliano created an issue
[JIRA] [prioritysorter-plugin] (JENKINS-28280) Wrong Job Group is shown in the selector
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28280
[JIRA] [batch-task-plugin] (JENKINS-24581) tasks status icon not visible at overview of single task
Title: Message Title Tom FENNELLY commented on JENKINS-24581
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook-plugin] (JENKINS-28452) Push event web hook triggers all jobs regardless of Branch Specifier
Title: Message Title Javier Palacios commented on JENKINS-28452
[JIRA] [batch-task-plugin] (JENKINS-24581) tasks status icon not visible at overview of single task
Title: Message Title podskalsky updated an issue
[JIRA] [batch-task-plugin] (JENKINS-24581) tasks status icon not visible at overview of single task
Title: Message Title podskalsky updated an issue
[JIRA] [batch-task-plugin] (JENKINS-24581) tasks status icon not visible at overview of single task
Title: Message Title podskalsky commented on JENKINS-24581
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28286) jenkins.log growing extremely fast
Title: Message Title Régis Desgroppes closed an issue as Cannot Reproduce
[JIRA] [batch-task-plugin] (JENKINS-24581) tasks status icon not visible at overview of single task
Title: Message Title Tom FENNELLY commented on JENKINS-24581
[JIRA] [batch-task-plugin] (JENKINS-24581) tasks status icon not visible at overview of single task
Title: Message Title Tom FENNELLY edited a comment on JENKINS-24581
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28437) /lib/layout/task also initiates GET request when post=true
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28437
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28422) Jenkins is hanging after a restart (deadlock)
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28422
[JIRA] [ssh-agent-plugin] (JENKINS-27555) ssh-agent plugin leaking file descriptors leaving behind jenkinsXXXXXX.jnr socket files
Title: Message Title Niels Wegner commented on JENKINS-27555
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28422) Jenkins is hanging after a restart (deadlock)
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck commented on JENKINS-28422
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28422) Jenkins is hanging after a restart (deadlock)
Title: Message Title Daniel Beck resolved as Not A Defect
[JIRA] [maven-plugin] (JENKINS-28294) "JDK 5 not supported with Maven" error with JDK 6
Title: Message Title Erwan Lacoste commented on JENKINS-28294
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28422) Jenkins is hanging after a restart (deadlock)
Title: Message Title Thomas Ferreira commented on JENKINS-28422
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28422) Jenkins is hanging after a restart (deadlock)
Title: Message Title Thomas Ferreira reopened an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28437) /lib/layout/task also initiates GET request when post=true
Title: Message Title Oleg Nenashev commented on JENKINS-28437
[JIRA] [scm-sync-configuration-plugin] (JENKINS-15128) Renaming job doesn't work with Git
Title: Message Title Eran Cohen commented on JENKINS-15128
[JIRA] [scm-sync-configuration-plugin] (JENKINS-15128) Renaming job doesn't work with Git
Title: Message Title Eran Cohen reopened an issue
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Alex Earl commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [active-directory-plugin] (JENKINS-26899) Multiple domain authentication when not part of the same forest
Title: Message Title Sagayaraj David commented on JENKINS-26899
[JIRA] [active-directory-plugin] (JENKINS-26899) Multiple domain authentication when not part of the same forest
Title: Message Title Sagayaraj David edited a comment on JENKINS-26899
[JIRA] [jira-plugin] (JENKINS-28453) No known JIRA project corresponding to id: 'RCFOPS-112'
Title: Message Title Jeff Blaine created an issue
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook-plugin] (JENKINS-28452) Push event web hook triggers all jobs regardless of Branch Specifier
Title: Message Title Michael Giuliano commented on JENKINS-28452
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Adonai Elohim commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-28454) Add integration support with Jenkins Workflow DSL
Title: Message Title Daren Smith created an issue
[JIRA] [windows-slaves-plugin] (JENKINS-28278) Environment variables "stuck" on windows slave
Title: Message Title Brendan Billingsley commented on JENKINS-28278
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28446) UnlabeledLoad.computeQueueLength() includes labeled jobs
Title: Message Title recampbell updated an issue
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Adonai Elohim commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Alex Earl commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Adonai Elohim commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [jacoco-plugin] (JENKINS-27766) Jacoco with Jenkins on Apache Tomcat
Title: Message Title Maninder Singh updated an issue
[JIRA] [jacoco-plugin] (JENKINS-27766) Jacoco with Jenkins on Apache Tomcat: /jacoco/classes does not exist
Title: Message Title Maninder Singh updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28425) UI: Build history overflows
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Alex Earl commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28425) UI: Build history overflows
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28425
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28425) UI: Build history overflows
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28425
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Alex Earl commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28333) Browse users is broken
Title: Message Title Alexandru Gheorghe commented on JENKINS-28333
[JIRA] [windows-slaves-plugin] (JENKINS-28278) Environment variables "stuck" on windows slave
Title: Message Title Brendan Billingsley edited a comment on JENKINS-28278
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28455) Build History badges don't wrap
Title: Message Title Tom FENNELLY created an issue
[JIRA] [envinject-plugin] (JENKINS-28278) Environment variables "stuck" on windows slave
Title: Message Title Nathan Neulinger commented on JENKINS-28278
[JIRA] [envinject-plugin] (JENKINS-28278) Environment variables "stuck" on windows slave
Title: Message Title Nathan Neulinger updated an issue
[JIRA] [envinject-plugin] (JENKINS-28278) Environment variables "stuck" on windows slave
Title: Message Title Brendan Billingsley commented on JENKINS-28278
[JIRA] [envinject-plugin] (JENKINS-28278) Environment variables "stuck" on windows slave
Title: Message Title Nathan Neulinger updated an issue
[JIRA] [windows-slaves-plugin] (JENKINS-28278) Environment variables "stuck" on windows slave
Title: Message Title Nathan Neulinger updated an issue
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-28290) Git plugin prevents build display on missing header entries in changelog.xml
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-28290) Git plugin prevents build display on missing header entries in changelog.xml
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28290
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-28290) Git plugin prevents build display on missing header entries in changelog.xml
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28290
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28456) http://jenkins-ci.org/changelog does not show 1.614, but 1.614 is latest available
Title: Message Title boris ivan created an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-28425) UI: Build history overflows
Title: Message Title dogfood commented on JENKINS-28425
[JIRA] [log-parser-plugin] (JENKINS-28457) Please add support for providing config through Config File Provider Plugin
Title: Message Title Dan Dumont created an issue
[JIRA] [prioritysorter-plugin] (JENKINS-24962) Cannot assign a JobGroup to a Nested (sub) View
Title: Message Title Magnus Sandberg resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [delivery-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-28055) Pipeline arrows are not displaying or displayed incorrectly
Title: Message Title Stephan Pauxberger commented on JENKINS-28055
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook-plugin] (JENKINS-28452) Push event web hook triggers all jobs regardless of Branch Specifier
Title: Message Title Javier Palacios commented on JENKINS-28452
[JIRA] [job-dsl-plugin] (JENKINS-28458) Deleting views when the containing folder has already been deleted leads to NPE
Title: Message Title Stephan Pauxberger created an issue
[JIRA] [delivery-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-28055) Pipeline arrows are not displaying or displayed incorrectly
Title: Message Title Patrik Boström commented on JENKINS-28055
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Alex Earl commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title Alex Earl resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [email-ext-plugin] (JENKINS-28444) Invalid cc:, bcc: recipients handling when mail address contains a dot
Title: Message Title SCM/JIRA link daemon commented on JENKINS-28444
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook-plugin] (JENKINS-28452) Push event web hook triggers all jobs regardless of Branch Specifier
Title: Message Title Michael Giuliano commented on JENKINS-28452
[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-22483) Job execution deadlock on safeRestart
Title: Message Title Patrick Nielsen reopened an issue
[JIRA] [ci-game-plugin] (JENKINS-28459) Add Job DSL support for ci-game plugin
Title: Message Title Ben Hocker created an issue
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook-plugin] (JENKINS-28452) Push event web hook triggers all jobs regardless of Branch Specifier
Title: Message Title Javier Palacios commented on JENKINS-28452
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook-plugin] (JENKINS-28452) Push event web hook triggers all jobs regardless of Branch Specifier
Title: Message Title Michael Giuliano commented on JENKINS-28452
[JIRA] [analysis-collector-plugin] (JENKINS-28360) Missing static analysis results in weather popup
Title: Message Title David Bishop commented on JENKINS-28360