[JIRA] [active-directory-plugin] (JENKINS-24958) UsernameNotFoundException when ActiveDirectory used for API and token authentication

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [nunit-plugin] (JENKINS-27906) Fail to read NUnit3 output xml

2015-04-12 Thread brunodepau...@yahoo.com.br (JIRA)
Bruno P. Kinoshit

[JIRA] [nunit-plugin] (JENKINS-27906) Fail to read NUnit3 output xml

2015-04-12 Thread apg...@java.net (JIRA)
apgray updat

[JIRA] [analysis-collector-plugin] (JENKINS-27890) FindBugs report does not correctly indicate New/Fixed warnings

2015-04-12 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Ulli Hafner

[JIRA] [job-dsl-plugin] (JENKINS-16365) allPermissions should try to load Jenkins's list of permissions

2015-04-12 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [job-dsl-plugin] (JENKINS-16365) allPermissions should try to load Jenkins's list of permissions

2015-04-12 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [findbugs-plugin] (JENKINS-24743) Findbug and PMD are broken in Jenkins 1.565.2

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [github-plugin] (JENKINS-27886) Unable to run scripts on Jenkins slave from GitHub

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-27886) Git can't fetch from origin error

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [build-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-21188) Build Pipeline Plugin (1.4.2) throws ServletException: Need to log in to access for not-logged in users

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [github-plugin] (JENKINS-27842) Support webhook events from github

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-4409) Hudson test case leaks temp folders

2015-04-12 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [docker-plugin] (JENKINS-23301) Cannot connect to Docker using unix protocol

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [docker-plugin] (JENKINS-23301) Support unix protocol for connection

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [docker-plugin] (JENKINS-23301) Support unix protocol for connection

2015-04-12 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [docker-plugin] (JENKINS-23301) Support unix protocol for connection

2015-04-12 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [active-directory-plugin] (JENKINS-24958) UsernameNotFoundException when ActiveDirectory used for API and token authentication

2015-04-12 Thread keithda...@solidtechservice.com (JIRA)
Keith Davis

[JIRA] [docker-plugin] (JENKINS-24408) docker plugin throwing NumberFormatException when trying to connect to docker from jenkins

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [docker-plugin] (JENKINS-24408) docker plugin throwing NumberFormatException when trying to connect to docker from jenkins

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [github-plugin] (JENKINS-24291) GitHub plugin to make parameters from webhook data

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [github-plugin] (JENKINS-27842) Support webhook events from github

2015-04-12 Thread pe...@algarvio.me (JIRA)
Pedro Algarvio

[JIRA] [github-plugin] (JENKINS-27842) Support webhook events from github

2015-04-12 Thread gentoo.inte...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Kanstantsin Shaut

[JIRA] [active-directory-plugin] (JENKINS-24958) UsernameNotFoundException when ActiveDirectory used for API and token authentication

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [github-plugin] (JENKINS-27842) Support webhook events from github

2015-04-12 Thread pe...@algarvio.me (JIRA)
Pedro Algarvio

[JIRA] [label-linked-jobs-plugin] (JENKINS-27907) UI rework

2015-04-12 Thread domi.br...@free.fr (JIRA)

[JIRA] [label-linked-jobs-plugin] (JENKINS-27588) Labels used in Label Factory are shown as not used

2015-04-12 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-26719) Intermittant exception generated using clearcase plugin & dynamic view when running mkview immediately after the rmview

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-27104) Choosing "No History" option in Changeset still brings back history

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-27733) java.lang.NullPointerException pointer exception using 1.5.4-SNAPSHOT

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-26719) Intermittant exception generated using clearcase plugin & dynamic view when running mkview immediately after the rmview

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)
Vincent Latombe

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-26719) Intermittant exception generated using clearcase plugin & dynamic view when running mkview immediately after the rmview

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-27733) java.lang.NullPointerException pointer exception using 1.5.4-SNAPSHOT

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-9703) Find changes on a branch not working correctly with CC multisite

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase-plugin] (JENKINS-27104) Choosing "No History" option in Changeset still brings back history

2015-04-12 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23442) Jenkins 1.568 can not start when monitoring plugin is installed

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23442) Jenkins 1.568 can not start when monitoring plugin is installed

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [envinject-plugin] (JENKINS-27895) Read a property from single value file

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [label-linked-jobs-plugin] (JENKINS-27907) UI rework

2015-04-12 Thread domi.br...@free.fr (JIRA)
Dominique Brice

[JIRA] [label-linked-jobs-plugin] (JENKINS-27907) UI rework

2015-04-12 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [label-linked-jobs-plugin] (JENKINS-27907) UI rework

2015-04-12 Thread domi.br...@free.fr (JIRA)
Dominique Brice

[JIRA] [label-linked-jobs-plugin] (JENKINS-27588) Labels used in Label Factory are shown as not used

2015-04-12 Thread domi.br...@free.fr (JIRA)
Dominique Brice

[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-17228) Fail build when subversion workspace is locked

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-27898) Change Subversion plugin to allow configuration of different ways to react to working copy locked

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23442) Jenkins 1.568 can not start when monitoring plugin is installed

2015-04-12 Thread ever...@free.fr (JIRA)
evernat comm

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23442) Jenkins 1.568 can not start when monitoring plugin is installed

2015-04-12 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-27905) Use of stage concurrency only allows 1 thread to be blocked at a time

2015-04-12 Thread tomjdal...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Thomas Dalton

[JIRA] [workflow-plugin] (JENKINS-27905) Use of stage concurrency only allows 1 thread to be blocked at a time

2015-04-12 Thread tomjdal...@gmail.com (JIRA)
  Thomas Dalton edited a

[JIRA] [perforce-plugin] (JENKINS-27877) Parallel sync function in Jenkins Perforce Plugin

2015-04-12 Thread jerry...@symantec.com (JIRA)
Jerry Yu upd

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-27908) Startup fails on s390x/Linux - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jnidispatch

2015-04-12 Thread mir.s.me...@nab.com.au (JIRA)
Mir Sajja

[JIRA] [svn-tag-plugin] (JENKINS-3725) Build Parameters in SVN URL confuse svn-tag

2015-04-12 Thread citr...@yahoo.com (JIRA)
Ravi Kumar Alagap

[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-27909) SCM poll not working with SubVersion

2015-04-12 Thread vnsha...@yahoo.com (JIRA)
Vishal Sh

[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-22568) Subversion polling not work when Repository URL value is variable - E125002: Malformed URL '${SVN_REPO_VARIABLE}'

2015-04-12 Thread muehle.r...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
Ralf Mühle c

[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-22568) Subversion polling not work when Repository URL value is variable - E125002: Malformed URL '${SVN_REPO_VARIABLE}'

2015-04-12 Thread muehle.r...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
  Ralf Mühle edited a com