[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-18935) Make Subversion plugin support Subversion 1.8
Josef Andersson
[JIRA] [remoting] (JENKINS-23271) Intermittent Invalid Object ID in remoting module
Christian Symmons
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-25465) ${GIT_BRANCH} macro expands full branch name + remotes instead of short name
Maciej Ma
[JIRA] [analysis-core-plugin] (JENKINS-13458) Add switch to set reference build always as the latest build
Thomas Saunders
[JIRA] [summary_report-plugin] (JENKINS-25466) Exception "String index out of range" in summary_report plugin
Magnus Ja
[JIRA] [multiple-scms-plugin] (JENKINS-9287) Configuration is not saven when two git repositories are added
Jeebitesh Kalantr
[JIRA] [build-failure-analyzer-plugin] (JENKINS-25467) Capture group replacement not working
Michael K
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-25341) Improve reconcile by using -m option
Paul Allen c
[JIRA] [pvcs_scm-plugin] (JENKINS-8243) NPE from Polling PVCS
Isabelle Theis
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-24934) Git clone with merging tries to checkout non-existing revision since force-push
Wannes Sels
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-24934) Can't use matrix job with pre-build merge
Wannes Sels
[JIRA] [git-plugin] (JENKINS-24934) Can't use matrix job with pre-build merge
Wannes Sels
[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-25452) Change implementation of "Build Only If SCMChanges" to be check just if it's configure
[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-25452) Change implementation of "Build Only If SCMChanges" to be check just if it's configure
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-25341) Improve reconcile by using -m option
Morne Joubert
[JIRA] [build-failure-analyzer-plugin] (JENKINS-18544) Missing dependency to git
Jan Feindt c
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-25364) Unable to update workspace error
Paul Allen c
[JIRA] [build-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-25430) Clicking on "console" icon doesn't work
Dennis Philpot
[JIRA] [azure-slave-plugin] (JENKINS-24649) Allow to stop / deallocate and start / allocate existing VMs on demand
Sebastian Schuber
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-25341) Improve reconcile by using -m option
Paul Allen c
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-25341) Improve reconcile by using -m option
Morne Joubert
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-25468) Add a "Verbosity" option to allow detailed p4 info
Morne Jou
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-24741) Expose duration of plugin steps
Morne Joubert
[JIRA] [swarm-plugin] (JENKINS-25064) Swarm toollocations don't work for all tools
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [swarm-plugin] (JENKINS-25064) Swarm toollocations don't work for all tools
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [swarm-plugin] (JENKINS-25064) Swarm toollocations don't work for all tools
[JIRA] [other] (JENKINS-25469) Unable to deleate wrongly created Radiator View
Lukasz Ma
[JIRA] [other] (JENKINS-25469) Unable to deleate wrongly created Radiator View
Lukasz Mazurkiewi
[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-18935) Make Subversion plugin support Subversion 1.8
Steven Christou
[JIRA] [artifactdeployer-plugin] (JENKINS-25461) ArtifactDeployer breaks under recent build(s) of Jenkins
Paul Fletcher
[JIRA] [artifactdeployer-plugin] (JENKINS-25461) ArtifactDeployer breaks under recent build(s) of Jenkins
Paul Fletcher edited a
[JIRA] [mailer-plugin] (JENKINS-25470) Provided mail-1.4.4.jar seems to be missing the smtp provider
[JIRA] [subversion-plugin] (JENKINS-18935) Make Subversion plugin support Subversion 1.8
Ben Daniels
[JIRA] [artifactdeployer-plugin] (JENKINS-25461) ArtifactDeployer breaks under recent build(s) of Jenkins
Paul Fletcher edited a
[JIRA] [delivery-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-25471) Changes in pipelineview is missing the latest commits
Anders Ny
[JIRA] [radiatorview-plugin] (JENKINS-25463) 404 When Clicking on a Job
[JIRA] [radiatorview-plugin] (JENKINS-25463) 404 When Clicking on a Job
Baptiste Mathus
[JIRA] [radiatorview-plugin] (JENKINS-23096) radiatorviewplugin has incorrect links for jobs in folders
Baptiste Mathus
[JIRA] [radiatorviewplugin] (JENKINS-25472) Clicking on a job never built links to 404
[JIRA] [disk-usage-plugin] (JENKINS-20135) Disk usage plugin: error 404
Marco Descher edited a
[JIRA] [disk-usage-plugin] (JENKINS-20135) Disk usage plugin: error 404
Marco Descher
[JIRA] [radiatorviewplugin] (JENKINS-25472) Clicking on a job never built links to 404
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [radiatorviewplugin] (JENKINS-25472) Clicking on a job never built links to 404
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25473) Unnecessarily slow & serialized I/O for top-level item loading in loadTasks
Jesse Gli
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25473) Unnecessarily slow & serialized I/O for top-level item loading in loadTasks
Jesse Gl
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25473) Unnecessarily slow & serialized I/O for top-level item loading in loadTasks
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-6097) Update Center could upgrade plugins to latest-release-for-my-Hudson
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-6097) Update Center could upgrade plugins to latest-release-for-my-Hudson
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-6097) Update Center could upgrade plugins to latest-release-for-my-Hudson
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-6097) Update Center could upgrade plugins to latest-release-for-my-Hudson
Jesse Gl
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-24213) Jenkins slaves repeatable disconnect and connect during startup, related to remoting/nio or swarm plugin
Andy Chen co
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25473) Unnecessarily slow & serialized I/O for top-level item loading in loadTasks
dogfood comm
[JIRA] [jobconfighistory-plugin] (JENKINS-25456) POSTing to existing job config.xml results in 'java.io.IOException: Failed to persist config.xml'
Jake Carlson
[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-25474) MultiJob Plugin not recognizing job failures for continuation condition
Bryan Gra
[JIRA] [teamconcert-plugin] (JENKINS-25475) Jenkins is not aware of personal builds, personal build failurse mark Jenkins job status as failed
ravi khet
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-7695) archiving throws hudson.util.IOException2: java.io.IOException: request to write '3977' bytes exceeds size in header of '41955006'
Andy Pham co
[JIRA] [maven-dependency-update-trigger-plugin] (JENKINS-23502) Maven Dependency Update Trigger crashes due to missing class (AETHER)
Adrien Lecharpent
[JIRA] [change-assembly-version-plugin] (JENKINS-25476) Encoding problem when writing file on windows.
[JIRA] [artifactdeployer-plugin] (JENKINS-25461) ArtifactDeployer breaks under recent build(s) of Jenkins
Daniel Beck
[JIRA] [github-oauth-plugin] (JENKINS-25459) Authorization by "Github Commiter" strategy broken.
Heiko Heijenga
[JIRA] [azure-slave-plugin] (JENKINS-24649) Allow to stop / deallocate and start / allocate existing VMs on demand
suresh nallamilli
[JIRA] [hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] (JENKINS-25477) Unable to connect to ALM 12.01
Winston P
[JIRA] [clang-scanbuild-plugin] (JENKINS-17092) Clang Scan-Build Plugin needs updating to handle newer scan-build output directory layout
Paul Eipper
[JIRA] [android-emulator-plugin] (JENKINS-23736) Emulator plugin can not run emulator if user is not logged on to desktop
Vitaliy Popov
[JIRA] [azure-slave-plugin] (JENKINS-24649) Allow to stop / deallocate and start / allocate existing VMs on demand
Sebastian Schuber
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25424) Exception when editing nodes
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25261) Missing dependency on RPM package
Oleg Nenashev
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-25204) Unhandled UsernameNotFoundException may appear in BasicAuthenticationFilter::doFilter()
Oleg Nen
[JIRA] [hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] (JENKINS-25478) HTTPS to HP ALM PC
Winston P
[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-24006) Customize number of Junit test failures that affect weather
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-24006) Customize number of Junit test failures that affect weather
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-24006) Customize number of Junit test failures that affect weather
Jesse Gl
[JIRA] [analysis-core-plugin] (JENKINS-13458) Add switch to set reference build always as the latest build
Ivan Andrus
[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-25479) Multi-configuration project jobs cannot be opened if the multijob has been opened from some view
Mykola Gr
[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-24006) Customize number of Junit test failures that affect weather
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [junit-plugin] (JENKINS-24006) Customize number of Junit test failures that affect weather
[JIRA] [p4-plugin] (JENKINS-25480) Swarm review callback trigger too many times for matrix project
Michael R
[JIRA] [analysis-core-plugin] (JENKINS-13458) Add switch to set reference build always as the latest build
Ulli Hafner
[JIRA] [analysis-core-plugin] (JENKINS-13458) Add switch to set reference build always as the latest build
Ulli Hafner
[JIRA] [checkstyle-plugin] (JENKINS-25481) API call results empty waring messages
[JIRA] [checkstyle-plugin] (JENKINS-25481) API call results empty waring messages
Alexander Obuhovi
[JIRA] [checkstyle-plugin] (JENKINS-25481) API call results empty waring messages
Ulli Haf
[JIRA] [active-directory-plugin] (JENKINS-24248) Cannot configure Active Directory Bind DN or Bind Password
Jeff Thornsen
[JIRA] [checkstyle-plugin] (JENKINS-25481) API call results empty waring messages
Alexander Obuhovi
[JIRA] [job-dsl-plugin] (JENKINS-25482) Extended Email plugin triggers can't be configured
[JIRA] [ghprb-plugin] (JENKINS-25235) NPE on run()
David Tanner
[JIRA] [ghprb-plugin] (JENKINS-25227) Trigger build with comment when previous was ok
David Tanner
[JIRA] [build-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-25483) Build Pipeline version could be created after Environment Variables variables were injected
Rafael Xi
[JIRA] [ec2-plugin] (JENKINS-4995) Support windows AMI's in EC2 plugin
Chad Myers c
[JIRA] [multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-25484) Add support for multijob to retry only failed portions of a matrix build.
Jason Mat
[JIRA] [active-directory-plugin] (JENKINS-25485) Unable to login with standard Jenkins users when Active Directory plugin is in use
Michael R
[JIRA] [ghprb-plugin] (JENKINS-25235) NPE on run()
Kanstantsin Shaut
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23543) Launchctl does not load Jenkins on OS X 10.10 Yosemite
Mario Harvey
[JIRA] [analysis-core-plugin] (JENKINS-13458) Add switch to set reference build always as the latest build
Ivan Andrus
[JIRA] [git-client-plugin] (JENKINS-20153) git plugin throws error if you don't specify a specific branch name
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [git-client-plugin] (JENKINS-25387) JGit in git client should support reference repositories
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-23232) SEVERE: I/O error in channel Chunked connection
Jan Hollevoet