[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-23444) Copy Artifact doesn't fail when only some of the defined artifacts are successfully copied

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-18662) Add a exclude file(s) field to CopyArtifact plugin

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger] (JENKINS-23745) Create links to the running/executed remote job

2014-07-14 Thread morfi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Maurice W. c

[JIRA] [acceptance-test-harness] (JENKINS-23770) populateJenkinsHome does not work for all Jenkins TYPEs

2014-07-14 Thread ullrich.haf...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Ulli Hafn

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23560) Slave hung in startup phase with missing logging in the GUI

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-22826) use wildcard syntax to get direct link to artifact

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-14900) Copying from workspace drops files matching Ant's default excludes

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger] (JENKINS-22927) Build fails if remote jenkins is offline or job is missing

2014-07-14 Thread morfi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Maurice W. c

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-14636) Create Artifacts From an Wrong Build

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23763) Cannot use jsonp with buildWithParameters

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-20663) file name encoding broken in zip archives

2014-07-14 Thread lauri.taal...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Lauri Taaleš

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger] (JENKINS-22927) Build fails if remote jenkins is offline or job is missing

2014-07-14 Thread morfi...@gmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [git-client] (JENKINS-22855) SSH Credential's username isn't used.

2014-07-14 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Mark Waite c

[JIRA] [other] (JENKINS-2673) Invalid CRON Warnings

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-8045) Weird log display behavior for too fast workerThread in TaskAction

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23534) Unable to set number of executors on slave through Groovy system script

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger] (JENKINS-22927) Build fails if remote jenkins is offline or job is missing

2014-07-14 Thread morfi...@gmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [extra-columns] (JENKINS-23756) Column suggestion for Extra Column plugin

2014-07-14 Thread rupen.anja...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Rupen Anjaria

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20427) Build Parameter variable in branch name causes polling to detect false changes in GIT

2014-07-14 Thread d...@gweep.net (JIRA)
  Don Ross edited a comme

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-19393) global search should not jump to exact result if more than one result is found

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [dashboard-view] (JENKINS-23779) Layout in 1.572 is broken in IE9

2014-07-14 Thread g_blo...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
George Bl

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11002) Windows DCOM slave fails to connect

2014-07-14 Thread jeebitesh.kalan...@adp.com (JIRA)
Jeebitesh Kalantr

[JIRA] [acceptance-test-harness] (JENKINS-23780) ActiveDirectoryTest should support to selection of Group Lookup Strategy

2014-07-14 Thread scott.heb...@ericsson.com (JIRA)
Scott Hebert

[JIRA] [hp-application-automation-tools-plugin] (JENKINS-23732) HP Analyses - no results file found for - can't find results when run via hp-application-automation-tools-plugin

2014-07-14 Thread jku...@yahoo.com (JIRA)
Juraj Kutes

[JIRA] [credentials] (JENKINS-20276) Native Library Error after upgrading ssh-agent from 1.3 to 1.4

2014-07-14 Thread godli...@gmail.com (JIRA)
arkady godlin

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18435) Navigating back, then forward, from a job configuration causes loss of config data

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-23458) NullPointerException if Before Build reciepients is empty

2014-07-14 Thread jan.ho...@heidelberg.com (JIRA)
Jan Hopp

[JIRA] [build-with-parameters] (JENKINS-19316) Build with Params screen is not rendering lists and choices properly.

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23492) UI improvements / refreshing

2014-07-14 Thread tom.fenne...@gmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [github] (JENKINS-23661) github webhook failing

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [credentials] (JENKINS-20276) Native Library Error after upgrading ssh-agent from 1.3 to 1.4

2014-07-14 Thread godli...@gmail.com (JIRA)
  arkady godlin edited a

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-10131) Git polling shouldn't need a workspace on a slave.

2014-07-14 Thread d...@gweep.net (JIRA)
Don Ross com

[JIRA] [build-with-parameters] (JENKINS-19316) Build with Params screen is not rendering lists and choices properly.

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [build-with-parameters] (JENKINS-19316) Build with Params screen is not rendering lists and choices properly.

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-23771) Repository URL in Dashboard

2014-07-14 Thread rupen.anja...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Rupen Anj

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-13551) Copy Artifact fails if selector class="hudson.plugins.copyartifact.StatusBuildSelector" is set

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23492) UI improvements / refreshing

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [build-with-parameters] (JENKINS-19316) Build with Params screen is not rendering lists and choices properly.

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [drmemory] (JENKINS-23769) gen drmemory report fail ( dir not exist problem)

2014-07-14 Thread supp...@praqma.net (JIRA)
Praqma Support

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23492) UI improvements / refreshing

2014-07-14 Thread tom.fenne...@gmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [configurationslicing] (JENKINS-23776) Matrix axes are sometimes treated as jobs

2014-07-14 Thread andy_bi...@scee.net (JIRA)
Andy Bigo

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20427) Build Parameter variable in branch name causes polling to detect false changes in GIT

2014-07-14 Thread d...@gweep.net (JIRA)
Don Ross com

[JIRA] [memory-map] (JENKINS-23734) Memory map plugin does not allow to enter absolute or relative path

2014-07-14 Thread supp...@praqma.net (JIRA)
  Praqma Support edited a

[JIRA] [ui-changes] (JENKINS-14035) Responsive design

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20427) Build Parameter variable in branch name causes polling to detect false changes in GIT

2014-07-14 Thread d...@gweep.net (JIRA)
Don Ross com

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-14276) Git SCM-polling doesn't work when using a parametrized branch-name

2014-07-14 Thread d...@gweep.net (JIRA)
Don Ross com

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23774) Jenkins ver. 1.572 has an exception in hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor.

2014-07-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
feng yu upda

[JIRA] [junit] (JENKINS-9110) Add Build Date to Junit Test Result (History and Case View)

2014-07-14 Thread chris.arn...@softwire.co.uk (JIRA)
Chris Arnott

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-16338) Jenkins fails to keep connection alive on Windows 8

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [fstrigger] (JENKINS-23211) Unable to updated or modify the project

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21335) Forward slashes in a File Parameter's file location cause parameter download links to break

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [dashboard-view] (JENKINS-23779) Layout in 1.572 is broken in IE9

2014-07-14 Thread g_blo...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
George Bloggs

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-16017) Workspace will not create in Jenkins from script

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [plugin] (JENKINS-18866) Symlink prevens backup from ThinBackup

2014-07-14 Thread b...@axelabs.com (JIRA)
  Bart Bialek edited a co

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-12732) Fingerprint failure in copy artifact 1.21, even though fingerprinting is turned off in my jobs

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)

[JIRA] [ui-changes] (JENKINS-18514) Who is in the queue?

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-18497) zipped files generated from userContent have their permissions removed/flattened

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-13551) Copy Artifact fails if selector class="hudson.plugins.copyartifact.StatusBuildSelector" is set

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [memory-map] (JENKINS-23734) Memory map plugin does not allow to enter absolute or relative path

2014-07-14 Thread supp...@praqma.net (JIRA)
Praqma Support

[JIRA] [configurationslicing] (JENKINS-23777) Support clear/set for all the boolean selection

2014-07-14 Thread andy_bi...@scee.net (JIRA)
Andy Bigo

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21749) builds seem to hang forever and can't be canceled, but actually complete

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17948) Downstream projects section is not visibile and downstream projects are not triggered

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [github] (JENKINS-23661) github webhook failing

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-20038) saving Configure System page intermittently causes JDK install settings to change

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [ui-changes] (JENKINS-23773) Layout is broken in Version 1.572

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-5620) Hudson can't detect UTF-16 encoding for HTML files in workspace.

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [vsphere-cloud] (JENKINS-23775) Shutdown of VM after Inactivity Failed

2014-07-14 Thread aeon...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Florian H

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-12618) Copy Artifact plugin - Access is denied to copy content

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [acceptance-test-harness] (JENKINS-23780) ActiveDirectoryTest should support to selection of Group Lookup Strategy

2014-07-14 Thread scott.heb...@ericsson.com (JIRA)
Scott Heb

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11002) Windows DCOM slave fails to connect

2014-07-14 Thread jeebitesh.kalan...@adp.com (JIRA)
Jeebitesh Kalantr

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11002) Windows DCOM slave fails to connect

2014-07-14 Thread jeebitesh.kalan...@adp.com (JIRA)
  Jeebitesh Kalantri edit

[JIRA] [build-with-parameters] (JENKINS-19316) Build with Params screen is not rendering lists and choices properly.

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [github] (JENKINS-23661) github webhook failing

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [dashboard-view] (JENKINS-23779) Layout in 1.572 is broken in IE9

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [console-tail] (JENKINS-23778) Console output shown for unstable builds

2014-07-14 Thread janarb...@wittigbox.de (JIRA)
Jan Witti

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-14774) Failed to copy artifacts from another build job with timestamp exception

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)

[JIRA] [ui-changes] (JENKINS-23773) Layout is broken in Version 1.572

2014-07-14 Thread rene.hoe...@drive.eu (JIRA)
R. H.

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-22617) Can't delete crash report

2014-07-14 Thread rene.hoe...@drive.eu (JIRA)
R. H.

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23492) UI improvements / refreshing

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [image-gallery] (JENKINS-23772) Percent for image width attribute

2014-07-14 Thread kovacsb...@freemail.hu (JIRA)
Balint Ko

[JIRA] [ui-samples] (JENKINS-21471) My jenkins crashed for once and now some options have gone missing

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-23146) StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on subversion checkout

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-4390) Hudson hangs on archiving

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-14774) Failed to copy artifacts from another build job with timestamp exception

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23774) Jenkins ver. 1.572 has a exception in hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor.

2014-07-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
feng yu

[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-13551) Copy Artifact fails if selector class="hudson.plugins.copyartifact.StatusBuildSelector" is set

2014-07-14 Thread de...@ikedam.jp (JIRA)
ikedam comme

[JIRA] [accurev] (JENKINS-21496) Version .6.22 removes advanced options for AccuRev Servers in Global configuration

2014-07-14 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [p4] (JENKINS-23718) Unable to use ${NODE_NAME} as a Workspace name

2014-07-14 Thread pal...@perforce.com (JIRA)
Paul Allen c

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21748) Cloud slaves do not take work when master executor has 0 for the number of executors

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23774) Jenkins ver. 1.572 has an exception in hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor.

2014-07-14 Thread abc...@163.com (JIRA)
feng yu upda

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-11265) rssFailed feed should not report "not built" modules in a Maven 3 multi-module project with incremental build enabled.

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-13753) plink call in build.bat file doesn't execute remote shell script

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel B

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23774) Jenkins ver. 1.572 has an exception in hudson.diagnosis.ReverseProxySetupMonitor.

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-5125) "Block build when upstream is building" option is not working with multiple executors

2014-07-14 Thread dan...@beckweb.net (JIRA)
Daniel Beck

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-23492) UI improvements / refreshing

2014-07-14 Thread dogf...@java.net (JIRA)
dogfood comm