[JIRA] [build-alias-setter] (JENKINS-21706) Terminology of lastUnsuccessfulBuilds unclear

2014-02-07 Thread c...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-20564) Analysis on Jenkins slave is 10/100 time slower than on Master

2014-02-07 Thread henri.go...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Henri Go

[JIRA] [build-alias-setter] (JENKINS-21706) Terminology of lastUnsuccessfulBuilds unclear

2014-02-07 Thread c...@java.net (JIRA)
cfx updated

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-20564) Analysis on Jenkins slave is 10/100 time slower than on Master

2014-02-07 Thread henri.go...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Henri Gomez

[JIRA] [build-alias-setter] (JENKINS-21706) Terminology of lastUnsuccessfulBuild is unclear

2014-02-07 Thread c...@java.net (JIRA)
cfx updated

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-20563) Data directory not working as expected

2014-02-07 Thread henri.go...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Henri Go

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-20563) Data directory not working as expected

2014-02-07 Thread henri.go...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Henri Gomez

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-14332) Repeated channel/timeout errors from Jenkins slave

2014-02-07 Thread nickolay.rumyant...@emc.com (JIRA)
Nickolay Rumyants

[JIRA] [warnings] (JENKINS-21596) Support ReSharper commandline output

2014-02-07 Thread j...@gmail.com (JIRA)
James Kemp c

[JIRA] [integrity-plugin] (JENKINS-21689) SCM occasionally does not write some checked out files to Workspace

2014-02-07 Thread kovacs00fer...@yahoo.com (JIRA)
Ferenc Kovacs

[JIRA] [maven-metadata-plugin] (JENKINS-18063) Authentication support for repository

2014-02-07 Thread rob...@kleinschmager.net (JIRA)
Robert Kleinschma

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-20564) Analysis on Jenkins slave is 10/100 time slower than on Master

2014-02-07 Thread henri.go...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Henri Gomez

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21707) TestObject doesn't replace '%' character

2014-02-07 Thread vjura...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21707) TestObject doesn't replace '%' character

2014-02-07 Thread vjura...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [heavy-job] (JENKINS-11548) Heavy Job plugin not working with Matrix jobs

2014-02-07 Thread nerl...@abacus.ch (JIRA)
Marlon Nerling

[JIRA] [heavy-job] (JENKINS-11548) Heavy Job plugin not working with Matrix jobs

2014-02-07 Thread nerl...@abacus.ch (JIRA)
Marlon Nerling

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-21708) Add an option to Skip DC Check on SCM Changes

2014-02-07 Thread henri.go...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Henri Gom

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20750) Git plugin 2.0 sometimes fail to fetch (timeouts) with weird error

2014-02-07 Thread odkli...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Pavel Kudrys

[JIRA] [jenkins-multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-21709) Job link broken if using jenkins with prefix configured

2014-02-07 Thread bjoern.peder...@frm2.tum.de (JIRA)
Björn Ped

[JIRA] [jenkins-multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-21709) Job link broken if using jenkins with prefix configured

2014-02-07 Thread bjoern.peder...@frm2.tum.de (JIRA)
Björn Pedersen

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21710) Maven3: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory$6 at maven3-interceptor-commons-1.4.jar

2014-02-07 Thread m...@sepus.biz (JIRA)
Marco Hub

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-19309) javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException: jar:file:/var/cache/jenkins/war/WEB-INF/lib/jenkins-core-1.528.jar!/lib/form/block.jelly:32:2

2014-02-07 Thread mathias.nest...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Mathias comm

[JIRA] [scm-api] (JENKINS-21288) Build with Poll SCM trigger proceeds even though no SCM change

2014-02-07 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Mark Waite c

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21661) Build without parameters returns empty web page

2014-02-07 Thread vvedacha...@channel4.co.uk (JIRA)
Vijay Vedachalam

[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive from time to time

2014-02-07 Thread frank.klaas...@enrise.com (JIRA)
Frank K upda

[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-21677) Jenkins becomes unresponsive from time to time

2014-02-07 Thread frank.klaas...@enrise.com (JIRA)
Frank K comm

[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-21711) Error when create a new job or copy from existing job

2014-02-07 Thread cta...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Carlos Ta

[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-21711) Error when create a new job or copy from existing job

2014-02-07 Thread cta...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Carlos T

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-17377) Environment variables are not injected at Clearcase polling

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-21712) Jenkins Update breaks Subversion credential configuration

2014-02-07 Thread steffen.m...@itemis.de (JIRA)
Steffen M

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-10818) Clearcase plugin does not compile on JDK 7

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [integrity-plugin] (JENKINS-21689) SCM occasionally does not write some checked out files to Workspace

2014-02-07 Thread cletusdso...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Cletus D'Souza

[JIRA] [jenkins-multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-21616) multiconfiguration job when added to a multijob phase doesn't show as executing in multijob graphical view

2014-02-07 Thread em...@daniel-zwicker.de (JIRA)
  Daniel Zwicker edited a

[JIRA] [jenkins-multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-21616) multiconfiguration job when added to a multijob phase doesn't show as executing in multijob graphical view

2014-02-07 Thread em...@daniel-zwicker.de (JIRA)
Daniel Zwicker

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21710) Maven3: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory$6 at maven3-interceptor-commons-1.4.jar

2014-02-07 Thread m...@sepus.biz (JIRA)
Marco Huber

[JIRA] [plugin] (JENKINS-21713) MultiJob Plugin does continue phase before current phase succeeded

2014-02-07 Thread jthe...@me.com (JIRA)
Jan Henne

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21673) Sort groups on user index page alphabetically

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21673) Sort groups on user index page alphabetically

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21673) Sort groups on user index page alphabetically

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21673) Sort groups on user index page alphabetically

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-5389) Allow an option to disable cleartool mount -all

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-1711) provide extended changelog (since last successfull build)

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-1711) provide extended changelog (since last successfull build)

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)
Vincent Latombe

[JIRA] [gui] (JENKINS-13978) Add posibility to copy view

2014-02-07 Thread m...@praqma.net (JIRA)
Mads Nielsen

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-3181) Redirect cleartool output to different log file

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [cppcheck] (JENKINS-21714) More data from REST API

2014-02-07 Thread robert.smut...@gmail.com (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-8111) Dynamic Views do not get mounted on Windows Slave

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-3455) Passing command line parameters to ClearCase update

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-5576) Corrected command when Creating shapshot views

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-5735) startview doesn't seem to work when called by Hudson

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21681) Git Publisher only allows to push HEAD

2014-02-07 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Mark Waite c

[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-21654) Unable to pull the code from github

2014-02-07 Thread mark.earl.wa...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Mark Waite c

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-6123) View Storage Location should be a required parameter

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [integrity-plugin] (JENKINS-21587) memory leak in Plugin 1.22 -orphaned Logger Threads

2014-02-07 Thread matthias.r...@miele.de (JIRA)
Matthias Rump

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-4882) Build may not be triggered after rebase operation

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [integrity-plugin] (JENKINS-21587) memory leak in Plugin 1.22 -orphaned Logger Threads

2014-02-07 Thread cletusdso...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Cletus D'Souza

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21715) NPE after tests execution

2014-02-07 Thread aherit...@apache.org (JIRA)
Arnaud Hé

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-14247) Master Executor Needed for SCM polling even with slaves

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21315) NPE when collection JUnit test results

2014-02-07 Thread aherit...@apache.org (JIRA)
Arnaud Héritier

[JIRA] [teamconcert] (JENKINS-21694) Building from workspace: Add checkbox to return workspace to a pristine state

2014-02-07 Thread heath...@ca.ibm.com (JIRA)
Heather Fraser-Du

[JIRA] [plugin] (JENKINS-21713) MultiJob Plugin does continue phase before current phase succeeded

2014-02-07 Thread obed.raymu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Obed Raymundo

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21315) NPE when collection JUnit test results

2014-02-07 Thread aherit...@apache.org (JIRA)
Arnaud Héritier

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21716) missing encoding header for /env-vars.html/

2014-02-07 Thread bigras.br...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Bruno Big

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21715) NPE after tests execution

2014-02-07 Thread aherit...@apache.org (JIRA)
Arnaud H

[JIRA] [openid] (JENKINS-20248) OpenID Plugin redirects REST API requests also

2014-02-07 Thread andrew.j.math...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Andrew Matheny

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-18416) CLEARCASE_VIEWPATH contains backslash ( \ ) on Unix

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-19571) ClearCase Config Spec with long lines leads to logout

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)
Vincent Latombe

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-17896) View gets deleted although view tag was not changed

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)
Vincent Latombe

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-20858) Images missing from Jenkins UI

2014-02-07 Thread datar...@yahoo.com (JIRA)
  Franco Salas edited a c

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [plugin] (JENKINS-21713) MultiJob Plugin does continue phase before current phase succeeded

2014-02-07 Thread a...@tikalk.com (JIRA)
Alex Nickolaevsky

[JIRA] [jenkins-multijob-plugin] (JENKINS-21646) ClassCastException with Maven Project

2014-02-07 Thread a...@tikalk.com (JIRA)
Alex Nickolaevsky

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [plugin] (JENKINS-21713) MultiJob Plugin does continue phase before current phase succeeded

2014-02-07 Thread obed.raymu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Obed Raymundo

[JIRA] [tfs] (JENKINS-3785) Add option to perform labeling for each TFS build

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-17882) ClearCase polling not effective for MultiSite

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-18416) CLEARCASE_VIEWPATH contains backslash ( \ ) on Unix

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-17882) ClearCase polling not effective for MultiSite

2014-02-07 Thread scm_issue_l...@java.net (JIRA)
SCM/JIRA link dae

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-9633) ClearCase Plugin: SCM Polling Branch System-Level Config Setting Does Not Work

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)
Vincent Latombe

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-21708) Add an option to Skip DC Check on SCM Changes

2014-02-07 Thread steve.spring...@owasp.org (JIRA)
Steve Springett

[JIRA] [scm-api] (JENKINS-21288) Build with Poll SCM trigger proceeds even though no SCM change

2014-02-07 Thread gre...@hotmail.com (JIRA)
Grigoriy Milman

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-13633) Linux master + Windows slave: problem with polling when global configuration for Clearcase is set

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21715) NPE after tests execution

2014-02-07 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gl

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-16122) Computing change log from snapshot using update file fails on slaves

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-21708) Add an option to Skip DC Check on SCM Changes

2014-02-07 Thread steve.spring...@owasp.org (JIRA)
Steve Sp

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-21255) NullPointerException on hudson.tasks.test.AggregatedTestResultPublisher$TestResultAction.getProject(..)

2014-02-07 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gl

[JIRA] [clearcase] (JENKINS-10702) Need option to set the primary group of the user for all clearcase operations (newgrp)

2014-02-07 Thread vinc...@latombe.net (JIRA)
Vincent Latombe

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-21708) Add an option to Skip DC Check on SCM Changes

2014-02-07 Thread henri.go...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Henri Gomez

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21715) NPE after tests execution

2014-02-07 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21315) NPE when collection JUnit test results

2014-02-07 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Glick

[JIRA] [other] (JENKINS-13480) Http HEAD request returns body

2014-02-07 Thread bett...@dsi.unifi.it (JIRA)
Lorenzo Bettini

[JIRA] [build-publisher] (JENKINS-21250) NullPointerException in AggregatedTestResultPublisher causes Job to fail after upgrade from 1.544 to 1.545+

2014-02-07 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gl

[JIRA] [plugin] (JENKINS-21713) MultiJob Plugin does continue phase before current phase succeeded

2014-02-07 Thread jthe...@me.com (JIRA)
Jan Henne co

[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-21315) NPE when collection JUnit test results

2014-02-07 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Jesse Gl

[JIRA] [dependency-check-jenkins] (JENKINS-21708) Add an option to Skip DC Check on SCM Changes

2014-02-07 Thread steve.spring...@owasp.org (JIRA)
Steve Springett

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