[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-17585) tag this build improvement
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17442) When connecting to TestLink, finding error ClassCastException
Jeanjean LaGuigne
[JIRA] [discard-old-build] (JENKINS-17528) Discard Old Builds plugin throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
nkns165 comm
[JIRA] [postbuild-task] (JENKINS-12303) Post build task - 'Add another task' does not work
Linards L co
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-14362) 100% CPU load during org.kohsuke.stapler.compression.CompressionFilter.reportException
Sini Mäkelä
[JIRA] [publish-over-ssh] (JENKINS-17319) SSH sites disappear
Sylvain Veyrié
[JIRA] [junit-attachments] (JENKINS-7056) On test specific page attachments should be filtered by the test name
Luke Daley c
[JIRA] [job-dsl-plugin] (JENKINS-17222) Add ability to specify more than one location when using the svn method
Christoph Moser
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-14254) Possible inconsistent checkouts if using multiple modules and post-commit-hook resp. RevisionParameter
Daniel Beland
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-14254) Possible inconsistent checkouts if using multiple modules and post-commit-hook resp. RevisionParameter
kutzi commen
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-14808) IOException: Unable to delete on Windows Slaves
Valentin Baranov
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-14808) IOException: Unable to delete on Windows Slaves
Valentin Baranov
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-16845) NullPointer in getPreviousBuild
Christian Apel
[JIRA] [emmacoveragecolumn] (JENKINS-15857) Parse Exception with Java7 and Emma 2.2.0
Raphael Geissler
[JIRA] [update-center] (JENKINS-17029) update-center.json seems to be broken
Kristjan Rang
[JIRA] [update-center] (JENKINS-17029) update-center.json seems to be broken
Kristjan Rang
[JIRA] [embeddable-build-status] (JENKINS-15769) Provide way to allow build icons without anonymous access.
Maciej Gąsiorowski edit
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17587) Slave label expressions with multiple quoted slave names joined by logical operators are no longer recognised
Paul Harr
[JIRA] [groovy] (JENKINS-15516) System groovy script file succeeds on build slave when script does not exist
jlpinardon c
[JIRA] [build-flow] (JENKINS-17588) REST API stop error
Adam Guja
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17589) show project type somewhere
Marc Günt
[JIRA] [xcode] (JENKINS-12800) Can't add xcodebuild parameters including whitespace
lacostej com
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17590) Build fails because of "slave went offline during the build"
Marc Günt
[JIRA] [maven] (JENKINS-17553) Archived artifacts of Maven Modules are no longer cleaned up
Halvor Platou
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17442) When connecting to TestLink, finding error ClassCastException
Jeanjean LaGuigne
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17442) When connecting to TestLink, finding error ClassCastException
Bruno P. Kinoshit
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17586) Test Link plugin to show the status of execution type manual
Bruno P. Kinoshit
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Adam PAPAI c
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17442) When connecting to TestLink, finding error ClassCastException
Jeanjean LaGuigne
[JIRA] [fstrigger] (JENKINS-17591) FSTrigger fails to poll when build node labels change
Brent Duf
[JIRA] [testlink] (JENKINS-17442) When connecting to TestLink, finding error ClassCastException
Bruno P. Kinoshit
[JIRA] [publish-over-ssh] (JENKINS-17058) Publish over SSH plugin XML configuration cannot be read on jenkins start up.
Alexander Fischer
[JIRA] [publish-over-ssh] (JENKINS-17058) Publish over SSH plugin XML configuration cannot be read on jenkins start up.
Alexander Fischer
[JIRA] [publish-over-ssh] (JENKINS-17058) Publish over SSH plugin XML configuration cannot be read on jenkins start up.
Alexander Fischer
[JIRA] [publish-over-ssh] (JENKINS-17058) Publish over SSH plugin XML configuration cannot be read on jenkins start up.
Alexander Fischer
[JIRA] [testflight] (JENKINS-17592) Testflight uploader plugin doesn't allow to upload multiple files
Mikolaj L
[JIRA] [github-oauth] (JENKINS-15765) IRC Bot does not take commands
Josh Brand c
[JIRA] [github-oauth] (JENKINS-15765) IRC Bot does not take commands
Josh Brand edited a com
[JIRA] [artifactory] (JENKINS-17593) Artifactory Plugin Uses Incorrect Artifact Names
James Car
[JIRA] [integrity-plugin] (JENKINS-17292) PTC Integrity Plugin resyncs added members in 'pending-add' state
Joerg Steeg edited a co
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Adam PAPAI c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Mark Waite c
[JIRA] [sauce-ondemand] (JENKINS-17595) Updating sauce job fails with io.filenotfoundexception
james eis
[JIRA] [artifactdeployer] (JENKINS-17494) Copy Artifact fails when trying to copy artifact stored by ArtifactDeployer
Greg Roper c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Adam PAP
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Adam PAPAI s
[JIRA] [junit] (JENKINS-7970) If all JUnit tests are skipped, the build fails
Joel Beaudoin
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Adam PAPAI c
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-16941) Git publisher post build action fails on slave agent - unable to serialize
Adam PAPAI edited a com
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17508) The 'Discard Old Builds' advanced option - removal of only artifacts - does not work for me after 1.503.
Balder VC co
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-11024) Some commands don't work when using _jenkins-cli.jar with -i switch, get-job and update-job for sure, not certain about others
drnic edited a comment
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-11024) Some commands don't work when using _jenkins-cli.jar with -i switch, get-job and update-job for sure, not certain about others
drnic commen
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-11024) Some commands don't work when using _jenkins-cli.jar with -i switch, get-job and update-job for sure, not certain about others
drnic edited a comment
[JIRA] [ec2] (JENKINS-15423) Instance type selector should be text field
David Walend
[JIRA] [scripttrigger] (JENKINS-17091) Keep a history of script logs
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-11024) Some commands don't work when using _jenkins-cli.jar with -i switch, get-job and update-job for sure, not certain about others
drnic commen
[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-17596) NullPointerException on project rename
Matt Ried
[JIRA] [cli] (JENKINS-11024) Some commands don't work when using _jenkins-cli.jar with -i switch, get-job and update-job for sure, not certain about others
drnic commen
[JIRA] [view-job-filters] (JENKINS-17597) Poor performance using ParameterFilter
Jesse Gli
[JIRA] [htmlpublisher] (JENKINS-17598) HTML Publisher Repeating Links in Left sidebar
Kevin Mue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-15796) NoClassDefFoundError in monitoring Windows slave
Kevin Thieling
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-16845) NullPointer in getPreviousBuild
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-15796) NoClassDefFoundError in monitoring Windows slave
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-15796) NoClassDefFoundError in monitoring Windows slave
Kevin Thieling
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-15796) NoClassDefFoundError in monitoring Windows slave
Jesse Glick
[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-17599) ERROR: Could not send email as a part of the post-build publishers.
Kevin Thi
[JIRA] [email-ext] (JENKINS-17599) ERROR: Could not send email as a part of the post-build publishers.
Alex Earl co
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-17599) ERROR: Could not send email as a part of the post-build publishers.
Kevin Thieling
[JIRA] [sauce-ondemand] (JENKINS-17595) Updating sauce job fails with io.filenotfoundexception
james ei
[JIRA] [sauce-ondemand] (JENKINS-17595) Updating sauce job fails with io.filenotfoundexception
james ei
[JIRA] [copyartifact] (JENKINS-17600) Unable to find build for artifact copy using specific build number and current slave.jar
Cameron H
[JIRA] [publish-over-ftp] (JENKINS-17165) "Publish over FTP" plugin with version 1.9 does'nt work after Jenkins upgrade to Version 1.504
Alexander Fischer
[JIRA] [publish-over-ftp] (JENKINS-17165) "Publish over FTP" plugin with version 1.9 does'nt work after Jenkins upgrade to Version 1.504
Alexander Fischer
[JIRA] [publish-over-ftp] (JENKINS-17165) "Publish over FTP" plugin with version 1.9 does'nt work after Jenkins upgrade to Version 1.504
Alexander Fischer edite
[JIRA] [sitemonitor] (JENKINS-17601) Updated to Jenkins 1.51 and SIteMonitor Plugin not working
John Casa
[JIRA] [matrixtieparent] (JENKINS-17354) Label expression kills slave executors
pmv commente
[JIRA] [publish-over-ssh] (JENKINS-17058) Publish over SSH plugin XML configuration cannot be read on jenkins start up.
Thomas Van Doren
[JIRA] [publish-over-ssh] (JENKINS-17058) Publish over SSH plugin XML configuration cannot be read on jenkins start up.
Thomas Van Doren
[JIRA] [mantis] (JENKINS-16840) Unable to connect to Mantis