[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2019-03-03 Thread boris.av...@imperva.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title boris avney commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-12-13 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-10-19 Thread phil.mcar...@epicgames.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Phil McArdle commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-10-18 Thread danagoye...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Dana Goyette commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-10-17 Thread phil.mcar...@epicgames.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Phil McArdle commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-10-16 Thread danagoye...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Dana Goyette edited a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-10-16 Thread danagoye...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Dana Goyette commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread veaceslav.gaida...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Veaceslav Gaidarji co

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread vchijw...@tower-research.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Vicky Chijwani commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread vchijw...@tower-research.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Vicky Chijwani edited

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread vchijw...@tower-research.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Vicky Chijwani commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread thales.cl...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Thales Pereira edited

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread thales.cl...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Thales Pereira edited

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread thales.cl...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Thales Pereira commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-25 Thread vchijw...@tower-research.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Vicky Chijwani commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-14 Thread thales.cl...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Thales Pereira edited

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2018-09-14 Thread thales.cl...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Thales Pereira commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-03-29 Thread mne...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Michael Neale updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-03-28 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-03-28 Thread radin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Alex Radinsky comment

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-03-27 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-03-12 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-03-07 Thread zach.swan...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Zach Swanson commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-03-01 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-28 Thread mne...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Michael Neale comment

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-28 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Sam Van Oort commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-28 Thread ryan.campb...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title recampbell updated an

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-27 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-27 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-23 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-23 Thread hektv...@yahoo.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Hector David updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-22 Thread ryan.campb...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title recampbell commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-17 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-17 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-17 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-16 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-15 Thread pw...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Patrick Wolf commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-15 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-15 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-14 Thread ryan.hutchi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Ryan Hutchison edited

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-14 Thread ryan.hutchi...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Ryan Hutchison commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-02-04 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-01-20 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-01-12 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-01-11 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Sam Van Oort edited a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-01-11 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Sam Van Oort commente

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2017-01-05 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-12-22 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-12-21 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-12-13 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-12-01 Thread mne...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Michael Neale comment

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-12-01 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Sam Van Oort updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-12-01 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Sam Van Oort started

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-11-23 Thread mne...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Michael Neale comment

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-11-23 Thread roidelapl...@inuits.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Julien Pivotto commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-11-22 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Sam Van Oort updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-11-22 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Sam Van Oort assigned

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-11-22 Thread mne...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Michael Neale updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-11-22 Thread mne...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Michael Neale comment

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step

2016-11-20 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-11-17 Thread roidelapl...@inuits.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Julien Pivotto commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-11-17 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay updated a

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-11-17 Thread roidelapl...@inuits.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Julien Pivotto commen

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-11-17 Thread roidelapl...@inuits.eu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Julien Pivotto update

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-11-17 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay reopened

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-09-15 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-09-15 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick resolved

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37324) We would like a more meaningful description of a step via flow nodes

2016-08-10 Thread jdu...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title James Dumay created a