[JIRA] [remoting] (JENKINS-5413) SCM polling getting hung
Nathaniel Irons
[JIRA] [master-slave] (JENKINS-5413) SCM polling getting hung
Nathaniel Irons
[JIRA] [master-slave] (JENKINS-5413) SCM polling getting hung
Nathaniel Irons
[JIRA] [master-slave] (JENKINS-5413) SCM polling getting hung
Nathaniel Irons
[JIRA] [xcode] (JENKINS-12153) Setting bundle identifier and app display name from build settings
Nathaniel Irons
[JIRA] [job-poll-action] (JENKINS-21231) /poll/ leads to a redirect loop
[JIRA] [ssh-agent] (JENKINS-21226) Jenkins polling fails to authenticate under ssh-agent, but manual builds succeed with the same credential
[JIRA] (JENKINS-15627) Using iOS slave in 1.487 - Can't connect to window server - not enough permissions
Nathaniel Irons
[JIRA] (JENKINS-12563) Build multiple configuration
Nathaniel Irons