[JIRA] (JENKINS-43219) join plugin job dsl incomplete
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-23476) git-client plugin timeout default is not configurable in a standard manner
Title: Message Title mdonohue assigned an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-37775) Add support for logstash plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as
[JIRA] (JENKINS-37775) Add support for logstash plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-31043) SAML plugin can't auth with CSRF protection enabled
Title: Message Title mdonohue closed an is
[JIRA] (JENKINS-31043) SAML plugin can't auth with CSRF protection enabled
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-31043) SAML plugin can't auth with CSRF protection enabled
Title: Message Title mdonohue assigned an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38581) Jenkins auto linkification for Bugzilla is broken on the build page
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38581) Jenkins auto linkification for Bugzilla is broken on the build page
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38581) Jenkins auto linkification for Bugzilla is broken on the build page
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38581) Jenkins auto linkification for Bugzilla is broken on the build page
Title: Message Title mdonohue updated an i
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38581) Jenkins auto linkification for Bugzilla is broken on the build page
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38581) Jenkins auto linkification for Bugzilla is broken on the build page
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-29547) "master" value is silently ignored and empty value is set for "Restrict where..." in Tied Label Slicer section
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-28979) Trigger if a failed dependency is retried and succeeds
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as
[JIRA] (JENKINS-29652) Rerunning failed Delivery Pipeline stage doesn't enable/disable a manual trigger when using the Join plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-35665) NPE in Join plugin for Jenkins 2.8
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as
[JIRA] (JENKINS-35665) NPE in Join plugin for Jenkins 2.8
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-35665) NPE in Join plugin for Jenkins 2.8
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-29652) Rerunning failed Delivery Pipeline stage doesn't enable/disable a manual trigger when using the Join plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29652
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-35008) hudson.tasks.Mailer cannot be used in a composable manner
Title: Message Title mdonohue closed an issue as Fixed
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-35008) hudson.tasks.Mailer cannot be used in a composable manner
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-35008
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-35008) hudson.tasks.Mailer cannot be used in a composable manner
Title: Message Title mdonohue updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-35008) hudson.tasks.Mailer cannot be used in a composable manner
Title: Message Title mdonohue updated an issue
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-35008) hudson.tasks.Mailer cannot be used in a composable manner
Title: Message Title mdonohue created an issue
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-7529) Allow an email to be sent following a successful join activation
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-7529
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-7529) Allow an email to be sent following a successful join activation
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-7529
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-9946) join should be able to wait for all downstream jobs
Title: Message Title mdonohue closed an issue as Duplicate
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-9946) join should be able to wait for all downstream jobs
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-9946
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-16212) Exception thrown from join plugin as it can't find BuildTrigger class in Parameterized Trigger plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-16212
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-25290) Join configuration not updated when job is renamed
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-25290) Join configuration not updated when job is renamed
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-25290
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-25290) Join configuration not updated when job is renamed
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-25290
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-28709) Join Plugin ignores dependencies wrapped with flexible-publish
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-28709
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-9478) NullPointerException while submitting config slicer logrotationbuilds or logrotationdays
Title: Message Title mdonohue closed an issue as Cannot Reproduce
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-33368) Making changes through configuration slicing plugin is also changing other untouched configuration
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-33368
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-25123) Configuration Slicing plugin 1.39 does not support build timeout plugin 1.12+
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-30775) Please add support for the "Abort build if stuck" fields of Build-timeout plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-32647) Support the incremental build option for Maven Jobs
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-30775) Please add support for the "Abort build if stuck" fields of Build-timeout plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-30775
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-9478) NullPointerException while submitting config slicer logrotationbuilds or logrotationdays
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-9478
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-9478) NullPointerException while submitting config slicer logrotationbuilds or logrotationdays
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-9478
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-25320) UnsupportedOperationException when updating "Max # of builds to keep"
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Cannot Reproduce
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-31666) Create configuration slicing based on builders from another project
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-31666
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-32604
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue reopened an issue
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-22348) Join Plugin: intermittent NullPointerException in child project when all downstream projects complete
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-22348) Join Plugin: intermittent NullPointerException in child project when all downstream projects complete
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-22348
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Won't Fix
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-32604
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Won't Fix
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-32604
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-32604
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-32604) join-pluging missing licensing information
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-32604
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-29652) Rerunning failed Delivery Pipeline stage doesn't enable/disable a manual trigger when using the Join plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29652
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-29652) Rerunning failed Delivery Pipeline stage doesn't enable/disable a manual trigger when using the Join plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29652
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-26933) Saving change in 'Configure Slicing Plugin' page causing Form too large exception
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-26933
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-26933) Saving change in 'Configure Slicing Plugin' page causing Form too large exception
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-26933) Saving change in 'Configure Slicing Plugin' page causing Form too large exception
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-26933
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29547) "master" value is silently ignored and empty value is set for "Restrict where..." in Tied Label Slicer section
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29547
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-20327) “Form too large” errors submitting view configurations with many jobs
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-20327
[JIRA] [join-plugin] (JENKINS-30335) join plugin doens't work with maven snapshot triggering
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-30335
[JIRA] [saml-plugin] (JENKINS-31043) SAML plugin can't auth with CSRF protection enabled
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-31043
[JIRA] [saml-plugin] (JENKINS-31043) SAML plugin can't auth with CSRF protection enabled
Title: Message Title mdonohue created an issue
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29547) "master" value is silently ignored and empty value is set for "Restrict where..." in Tied Label Slicer section
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29547
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-30775) Please add support for the "Abort build if stuck" fields of Build-timeout plugin
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-30775
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29547) "master" value is silently ignored and empty value is set for "Restrict where..." in Tied Label Slicer section
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29547
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29093) POM location is deleted when changing Maven top-level target
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29941) Using Configuration Slicer unsets the "Ignore post-commit hooks" checkbox for polled builds
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-19651) Config Slicing "Gradle version per project" yields stack trace output
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-19651) Config Slicing "Gradle version per project" yields stack trace output
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-19651
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-25320) UnsupportedOperationException when updating "Max # of builds to keep"
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-25320
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-22551) Changes Saved on Execution Slicer not Saved in config.xml
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-22551
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-26044) "Ant version per project" fails to change via Configuration Slicing (AntSlicer)
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-26044
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-26933) Saving change in 'Configure Slicing Plugin' page causing Form too large exception
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-26933
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29547) "master" value is silently ignored and empty value is set for "Restrict where..." in Tied Label Slicer section
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29547
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29547) "master" value is silently ignored and empty value is set for "Restrict where..." in Tied Label Slicer section
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29547
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29547) "master" value is silently ignored and empty value is set for "Restrict where..." in Tied Label Slicer section
Title: Message Title mdonohue edited a comment on JENKINS-29547
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-19651) Config Slicing "Gradle version per project" yields stack trace output
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-19651
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-25536) Adding some parameters
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-25536
[JIRA] [configurationslicing-plugin] (JENKINS-29941) Using Configuration Slicer unsets the "Ignore post-commit hooks" checkbox for polled builds
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29941
[JIRA] [bitkeeper-plugin] (JENKINS-29788) Bk configuration removed on project change
Title: Message Title mdonohue resolved as Fixed
[JIRA] [bitkeeper-plugin] (JENKINS-29788) Bk configuration removed on project change
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29788
[JIRA] [bitkeeper-plugin] (JENKINS-29788) Bk configuration removed on project change
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29788
[JIRA] [bitkeeper-plugin] (JENKINS-29788) Bk configuration removed on project change
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29788
[JIRA] [bitkeeper-plugin] (JENKINS-29788) Bk configuration removed on project change
Title: Message Title mdonohue commented on JENKINS-29788
[JIRA] [urlscm] (JENKINS-17479) URL SCM always marks URL as changed with Poll SCM option
mdonohue com
[JIRA] (JENKINS-16670) Join trigger not kicking off end jobs after update to latest set of plugins.