[JIRA] [build-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-25666) Wrong view for build pipeline plugin

2014-11-19 Thread lobo.ntu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
ntmba lobo c

[JIRA] [build-pipeline-plugin] (JENKINS-25666) Wrong view for build pipeline plugin

2014-11-19 Thread lobo.ntu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
ntmba lobo c

[JIRA] [configurationslicing] (JENKINS-16869) exception when trying to open Configuration Slicing "Timestamper Slicer"

2014-02-04 Thread lobo.ntu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
ntmba lobo r

[JIRA] [configurationslicing] (JENKINS-16869) exception when trying to open Configuration Slicing "Timestamper Slicer"

2014-02-04 Thread lobo.ntu...@gmail.com (JIRA)
ntmba lobo c