[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-24125) Git Polling fails for job restricted to Mac OS X slave (with Windows master)
Charles Doucette
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-24125) Git Polling fails for job restricted to Mac OS X slave (with Windows master)
Charles Doucette
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-24125) Git Polling fails for job restricted to Mac OS X slave (with Windows master)
Charles D
[JIRA] [gitlab-hook] (JENKINS-23743) Failure on Git Polling Log when using Linux Master and Windows Slave
Charles Doucette
[JIRA] [git] (JENKINS-20512) Git Plugin 2.0: Failure on Git Polling Log when using option "Branches to build" on Git Plugin for Jenkins
Charles Doucette
[JIRA] [testflight] (JENKINS-17563) java.io.FileNotFoundException: Engineering/iOS/UScapeIt/UScapeIt.app.ipa (No such file or directory)
Charles Doucette
[JIRA] [testflight] (JENKINS-17563) java.io.FileNotFoundException: Engineering/iOS/UScapeIt/UScapeIt.app.ipa (No such file or directory)
Charles Doucette
[JIRA] [testflight] (JENKINS-17563) java.io.FileNotFoundException: Engineering/iOS/UScapeIt/UScapeIt.app.ipa (No such file or directory)
Charles D
[JIRA] (JENKINS-15014) TestFlight automatically replaces old builds
Charles D