[JIRA] (JENKINS-27512) Support icons for folders
Title: Message Title Daniel Spilker commen
[JIRA] (JENKINS-51202) choiceParam not listed in JobDSL API viewer
Title: Message Title Daniel Spilker update
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58335) Parameterized Remote Trigger plugin print too much logs in Console Output
Title: Message Title daniel zhang created
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58333) Implement Param Validation in Plugin Service
Title: Message Title Jack Shen started wor
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58334) Add Webpack Config For watch-build
Title: Message Title Jack Shen created an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58333) Implement Param Validation in Plugin Service
Title: Message Title Jack Shen updated an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-57744) Unify timezone when input date
Title: Message Title Jack Shen resolved as
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58333) Implement Param Validation in Plugin Service
Title: Message Title Jack Shen created an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58332) Fix broken promotion duration display
Title: Message Title Tommy Tynjä updated a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58332) Fix broken promotion duration display
Title: Message Title Tommy Tynjä created a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58331) Plugin not working with latest RocketChat API
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt crea
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58330) ChangTest
Title: Message Title Joseph Petersen updat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58330) ChangTest
Title: Message Title Joseph Petersen assig
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58330) ChangTest
Title: Message Title Chang Yao updated JE
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58330) ChangTest
Title: Message Title Chang Yao created an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58330) ChangTest
Title: Message Title Chang Yao started wor
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58330) ChangTest
Title: Message Title Chang Yao updated JE
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58072) no notification with successful test connection
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt upda
[JIRA] (JENKINS-38840) log parser plugin fails on slave node
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt assi
[JIRA] (JENKINS-57465) Add support for fields in RocketChat attachments
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt comm
[JIRA] (JENKINS-57465) Add support for fields in RocketChat attachments
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt assi
[JIRA] (JENKINS-33085) Log Parser Plugin Not Honoring Regex Patterns that Span Multiple Lines in Console Output
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt assi
[JIRA] (JENKINS-35265) Parameter showGraphs: true has no effect using Pipeline job
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt assi
[JIRA] (JENKINS-32866) Log Parser Plugin does not parse Pipeline console outputs
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt assi
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58315) Allow to customize serverUrl while using rocketSend step
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt comm
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58315) Allow to customize serverUrl while using rocketSend step
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt assi
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58315) Allow to customize serverUrl while using rocketSend step
Title: Message Title Martin Reinhardt star
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58329) Added environment variable parsing in file path for App Center Plugin
Title: Message Title Jiuyang Wang created
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58191) Get information about security and available updates from CLI w/o installing plugins
Title: Message Title Natasha Stopa started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58228) CLI usage doesn't work if typo in args
Title: Message Title Natasha Stopa started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58228) CLI usage doesn't work if typo in args
Title: Message Title Natasha Stopa updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-16240) Problem with NOT_BUILT build result
Title: Message Title Metin Savignano edite
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55945) Got IllegalStateException while restart Jenkins
Title: Message Title Jeff Thompson comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-16240) Problem with NOT_BUILT build result
Title: Message Title Metin Savignano comme
[JIRA] (JENKINS-57502) Cmake arguments sometimes are added to path in parallel build
Title: Message Title Martin Weber commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58328) Add repository browser support (e.g. Fisheye) to pipeline jobs
Title: Message Title Mark Waite closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58328) Add repository browser support (e.g. Fisheye) to pipeline jobs
Title: Message Title Mark Waite updated J
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58328) Add repository browser support (e.g. Fisheye) to pipeline jobs
Title: Message Title Mark Waite updated J
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55203) Jenkins EC2 plugin prints private key contents in Jenkins log
Title: Message Title Matt Sicker commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55203) Jenkins EC2 plugin prints private key contents in Jenkins log
Title: Message Title Matt Sicker updated a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-54218) Job DSL API in groovy for Office 365 Connector
Title: Message Title Maria Olivero comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Ivan Fernandez Calvo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58328) Add repository browser support (e.g. Fisheye) to pipeline jobs
Title: Message Title Matthew Mallard updat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58328) Add repository browser support (e.g. Fisheye) to pipeline jobs
Title: Message Title Matthew Mallard updat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58328) Add repository browser support (e.g. Fisheye) to pipeline jobs
Title: Message Title Matthew Mallard updat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58328) Add repository browser support (e.g. Fisheye) to pipeline jobs
Title: Message Title Matthew Mallard creat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52059) checkout scm step does not populate environment with GIT_*** variables in non-multibranch pipelines
Title: Message Title Amaretto Slim comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52059) checkout scm step does not populate environment with GIT_*** variables in non-multibranch pipelines
Title: Message Title Amaretto Slim updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-57899) Jira site configuration lost after a reboot
Title: Message Title kyle ian commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58304) Create Java Docs
Title: Message Title Natasha Stopa started
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58311) NotSerializableException when uploading apk with appcenter-plugin
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan started wo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58327) Specify usage instructions
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58311) NotSerializableException when uploading apk with appcenter-plugin
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58327) Specify usage instructions
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58327) Specify usage instructions
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan updated J
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58327) Specify usage instructions
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan updated J
[JIRA] (JENKINS-32673) Build Pipeline - Ability to Disable Retry option on a Job
Title: Message Title Ploutarchos Spyridono
[JIRA] (JENKINS-32673) Build Pipeline - Ability to Disable Retry option on a Job
Title: Message Title Ploutarchos Spyridono
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58327) Specify usage instructions
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan started wo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55013) support for App Center
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55013) support for App Center
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan closed an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58327) Specify usage instructions
Title: Message Title Mez Pahlan created an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Ivan Fernandez Calvo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Ivan Fernandez Calvo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Ivan Fernandez Calvo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-53772) scoverage report - failed to copy
Title: Message Title Aniket Kulkarni comme
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58211) ArtifactDeployer fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jruby.ext.posix.Linux64HeapFileStat
Title: Message Title Christian Molson edit
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58211) ArtifactDeployer fails with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jruby.ext.posix.Linux64HeapFileStat
Title: Message Title Christian Molson comm
[JIRA] (JENKINS-32673) Build Pipeline - Ability to Disable Retry option on a Job
Title: Message Title VENKAT KOTHAPALLI upd
[JIRA] (JENKINS-44001) Jenkins crash with ClosedChannelException
Title: Message Title Todd Densmore edited
[JIRA] (JENKINS-44001) Jenkins crash with ClosedChannelException
Title: Message Title Todd Densmore comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58326) UI Test Capture Plugin is not publishing results on jenkins dashboard
Title: Message Title Anvesh Thada updated
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58326) UI Test Capture Plugin is not publishing results on jenkins dashboard
Title: Message Title Anvesh Thada created
[JIRA] (JENKINS-57945) p4 sync corrupts symlinks
Title: Message Title Heiko Nardmann edited
[JIRA] (JENKINS-57945) p4 sync corrupts symlinks
Title: Message Title Heiko Nardmann commen
[JIRA] (JENKINS-54475) p4sync hangs at "p4 sync -f -q"
Title: Message Title Bing Shiao commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-47643) Allow [ci skip] to work for non-pull request changes
Title: Message Title Tom Kiemes commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-25046) Cookie header too long, causing a 413 HTTP error
Title: Message Title Baptiste Mathus updat
[JIRA] (JENKINS-25046) Cookie header too long, causing a 413 HTTP error
Title: Message Title Baptiste Mathus assig
[JIRA] (JENKINS-25046) Cookie header too long, causing a 413 HTTP error
Title: Message Title Baptiste Mathus start
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58325) Some pipeline stages keep running after pipeline build was aborted
Title: Message Title Tomas Kyjovsky update
[JIRA] (JENKINS-52374) Issue with unclosed LDAP connections
Title: Message Title Jeremy Cornett commen
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58325) Some pipeline stages keep running after pipeline build was aborted
Title: Message Title Tomas Kyjovsky assign
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58325) Some pipeline stages keep running after pipeline build was aborted
Title: Message Title Tomas K commented on
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58325) Some pipeline stages keep running after pipeline build was aborted
Title: Message Title Tomas K created an is
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58325) Some pipeline stages keep running after pipeline build was aborted
Title: Message Title Tomas K updated an is
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55624) Authorize Projects plugin causes no git credentials to be found with 'Run as Specific User' Strategy is set
Title: Message Title Nick Jones edited a c
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55624) Authorize Projects plugin causes no git credentials to be found with 'Run as Specific User' Strategy is set
Title: Message Title Nick Jones edited a c
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55624) Authorize Projects plugin causes no git credentials to be found with 'Run as Specific User' Strategy is set
Title: Message Title Nick Jones commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-43749) Support multiple Jenkinsfiles from the same repository
Title: Message Title Tzach Yarimi commente
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58324) HTML report do not show from Jenkins page (html error 404 on page js file)
Title: Message Title Ante Kevrić updated a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-55624) Authorize Projects plugin causes no git credentials to be found with 'Run as Specific User' Strategy is set
Title: Message Title Nick Jones updated an
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58324) HTML report do not show from Jenkins page (html error 404 on page js filese)
Title: Message Title Ante Kevrić created a
[JIRA] (JENKINS-18377) Improve the performance when listing many jobs (GSoC 2019, coding phase 2)
Title: Message Title Jesse Glick commented
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Devin Nusbaum comment
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58323) Be able to creating groups in jenkins server which integrated with LDAP for autentication
Title: Message Title venu k created an iss
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Ivan Fernandez Calvo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Ivan Fernandez Calvo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58322) IgnoreError step
Title: Message Title Ivan Fernandez Calvo
[JIRA] (JENKINS-58314) Job-dsl support for organizationFolder: DslFactory
Title: Message Title Daniel Spilker update