[JIRA] [job-dsl-plugin] (JENKINS-18089) block() generates invalid config, documentation is ambiguous
Michael Tautschni
[JIRA] [other] (JENKINS-18091) Bugs Problems/Install Problems
Zach Clin
[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-17862) multi step job generation doesn't work with multiple calls
Sylvain Benner edited a
[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-17862) multi step job generation doesn't work with multiple calls
Sylvain Benner
[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-17862) multi step job generation doesn't work with multiple calls
Sylvain Benner edited a
[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-17862) multi step job generation doesn't work with multiple calls
Sylvain Benner edited a
[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-17862) multi step job generation doesn't work with multiple calls
Sylvain Benner edited a
[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-17862) multi step job generation doesn't work with multiple calls
Sylvain Benner
[JIRA] [jobgenerator] (JENKINS-17862) multi step job generation doesn't work with multiple calls
Sylvain Benner edited a
[JIRA] [weblogic-deployer] (JENKINS-17879) Needs the ability to use Weblogic created keystore user and key files instead of having a plain-text administration password out in a config file
[JIRA] [thinBackup] (JENKINS-17475) Backup stops when processing some file like 'latestfailedbuild'
Vladimir Zak
[JIRA] [build-flow] (JENKINS-18088) Build flow execute on slave but write file on master
Sergey Smirnov edited a
[JIRA] [thinBackup] (JENKINS-17475) Backup stops when processing some file like 'latestfailedbuild'
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [sctmexecutor] (JENKINS-17922) SCTM Executor plugin Class loading issue when running jenkins on JBoss AS 5 (
Thomas Fürer
[JIRA] [sctmexecutor] (JENKINS-17922) SCTM Executor plugin Class loading issue when running jenkins on JBoss AS 5 (
Thomas Fürer
[JIRA] [sctmexecutor] (JENKINS-17922) SCTM Executor plugin Class loading issue when running jenkins on JBoss AS 5 (
Thomas Fürer
[JIRA] [envinject] (JENKINS-18090) WORKSPACE variable incorrect on windows master after upgrade to 1.515
Robert Na
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-14254) Possible inconsistent checkouts if using multiple modules and post-commit-hook resp. RevisionParameter
[JIRA] [ircbot] (JENKINS-15562) Support setting the client version
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-16177) Numeric build links should always go to the specific numeric build number they represent
kutzi commen
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-16824) Builds aborting randomly
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-16865) SVN fail to revert working dir : NullPointerException
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-16533) Jobs checked out from svn with pinned externals continuously run (with no changes in svn)
kutzi commen
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-16533) Jobs checked out from svn with pinned externals continuously run (with no changes in svn)
[JIRA] [mail] (JENKINS-16437) Extract MailAddressResolvers to dedicated plugins
[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-16528) Jenkins master node crashes often when viewing console logs of builds on slaves
[JIRA] [job-dsl-plugin] (JENKINS-18089) block() generates invalid config, documentation is ambiguous
Michael T
[JIRA] [subversion] (JENKINS-17369) SVNKit 1.6.7 has authentication bugs
kutzi commen
[JIRA] [instant-messaging] (JENKINS-17565) Support job display names in bot commands
SCM/JIRA link dae
[JIRA] [instant-messaging] (JENKINS-17565) Support job display names in bot commands
[JIRA] [jenkinswalldisplay] (JENKINS-17141) Integration with Claim plugin
steven armstrong