Xerces does not have an implementation of
javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader. It seems that you are using Oracle's
JAXP implementation. You're more likely to get a helpful answer on one of
their forums.
Michael Glavassevich
XML Technologies and WAS Development
IBM Toronto Lab
E-mail: mrg
As has been the case for a long time, Xerces-J 2.12.0 needs volunteers to
actually make this release happen.
Michael Glavassevich
XML Technologies and WAS Development
IBM Toronto Lab
E-mail: mrgla...@ca.ibm.com
E-mail: mrgla...@apache.org
Gary Gregory wrote on 12/22/2017 01:46:28 PM:
> Good q
I can imagine there would be an issue with xml-apis.jar (and Java 9
modularization), but nothing in xercesImpl.jar should conflict with
classes in JDK 9. You should be able to include the implementation jar on
the regular classpath.
Michael Glavassevich
XML Technologies and WAS Develop