I am mainly familiar with XML Schema 1.0, so it's possible my assertions
below have been supplanted in 1.1.
The purpose of a schema is to declare the contents of a single namespace,
the target namespace, which is declared on the 'schema' element.
Constructs of another namespace cannot be declared
There was an enhancement in XML Schema 1.1 which allows targetNamespace on
but I recall that it only applies to (and is only allowed on)
local element declarations [1].
[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#dcl.elt.local
Michael Glavassevich
XML Technologies and WAS Development
IBM Toronto L
Thanks for your input everyone.
I've got it working by splitting the schema up into a number of different
documents, avoiding the need to use targetNamespace on the elements.
Kind regards,
On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Michael Glavassevich
> There was an enhancement in XML Sc