Re: Cannot create a Schema object for an XSD file with the targetNamespace attribute set on an element

2015-08-07 Thread Jeff Greif
I am mainly familiar with XML Schema 1.0, so it's possible my assertions below have been supplanted in 1.1. The purpose of a schema is to declare the contents of a single namespace, the target namespace, which is declared on the 'schema' element. Constructs of another namespace cannot be declared

Re: Cannot create a Schema object for an XSD file with the targetNamespace attribute set on an element

2015-08-07 Thread Michael Glavassevich
There was an enhancement in XML Schema 1.1 which allows targetNamespace on but I recall that it only applies to (and is only allowed on) local element declarations [1]. [1] Michael Glavassevich XML Technologies and WAS Development IBM Toronto L

Re: Cannot create a Schema object for an XSD file with the targetNamespace attribute set on an element

2015-08-07 Thread Julian Cromarty
Thanks for your input everyone. I've got it working by splitting the schema up into a number of different documents, avoiding the need to use targetNamespace on the elements. Kind regards, Julian On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Michael Glavassevich wrote: > There was an enhancement in XML Sc