Is it possible to instruct the parser to impose maximum length limits on
tag names, attribute names and attribute values?
Best regards
For a given attribute or element value, you can use an XMLSchema to set a
maximum. You cannot AFAIK set a max generically for any tag name.
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 6:13 AM, Erlend Oftedal wrote:
> Hi
> Is it possible to instruct the parser to impose maximum length limits on
> tag names,
After a long and futile search, I have nothing left but to repeat this
(unanswered) question (not by me) from Jun 2003:
I am trying to use Proguard (obfuscator-shrinker) on a program that
uses Xerces-J. I am finding it quite painful to create, by trial and
error, the list of methods/classes that n