> ]
> Mukul Gandhi edited comment on XERCESJ-1726 at 9/6/20, 5:13 AM:
> I do feel that, John's test cases point to unexpected behavior with Xerces-J,
> and may
Hi John,
On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 7:51 PM John Morris
> Is it the case that none of the XML files in your latest test-cases has as
> many as 40 lines of XML constructs? (The significance of the number 40 for
> me is that it was the first line at which I observed the erratic behaviour
> tha
Subject: Re: Re: Possible Bug: Xerces 2.12.1 for XML Validation with XSD 1.1
Schema under Java - Plain Text
I just played around, with this kind of XSD validation, but using somewhat
simple XSD and XML input documents. Below are mentioned my XSD and XML input
I just played around, with this kind of XSD validation, but using somewhat
simple XSD and XML input documents. Below are mentioned my XSD and XML
input documents,
XSD document,";
Hi John,
On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 1:47 PM JOHN Morris wrote:
> I'm not sure what was happening before to give us those discrepancies
> between our respective results though. Did you try comparing the files you
> were using for the validations before with the new (but, from my point of
> view, the
Hi Mukul,
Thanks for the update.
I was relieved to get away from the previous level of uncertainty that I was
doing something stupid!
I'm not sure what was happening before to give us those discrepancies between
our respective results though. Did you try comparing the files you were using
Hi John,
On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 7:47 PM JOHN Morris wrote:
Also, I wonder whether I could get you to send me the exact outputs from
> your jaxp.SourceValidator runs on the two files test1.xml (9 errors) and
> test2.xml (18 errors).
I just saw that, you've created a Jira issue XERCESJ-1726 for
First create an account, then create an issue
-Original Message-
From: JOHN Morris
Subject: Re: Re: Possible Bug: Xerces 2.12.1 for XML
Hi Mukul,
Thanks for your reply.
As a beginner, I wonder how I would go about "creating a Xerces-J jira issue"
on my problem.
Also, I wonder whether I could get you to send me the exact outputs from your
jaxp.SourceValidator runs on the two files test1.xml (9 errors) and test2.xml
(18 errors)
Hi John,
On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 7:23 PM JOHN Morris
> Where can we go from here? I can only think of asking you to double check
> that both of your test runs are not on the same XML data somehow.
I've just double checked, and I get XSD validation errors on both of your
XML input docum
Hi Mukul,
I have followed the steps you suggested in using jave -Djava.endorsed.dirs=...
and jaxp.SourceValidator (although I am using java version "1.8.0_261") but the
validation results are unaffected.
I still get 9 validation violations from test1.xml but none at all from the
On Sun, Aug 23, 2020 at 2:13 PM JOHN Morris
> I think that the first steps in achieving convergence between the
> validation behaviour that you observe and mine is for me to try switching
> to jaxp.SourceValidator and to ensure that I am using the same environment
> as you. To that (second
Hi Mukul,
Thanks for your further comments.
I think that the first steps in achieving convergence between the validation
behaviour that you observe and mine is for me to try switching to
jaxp.SourceValidator and to ensure that I am using the same environment as you.
To that (second) end, I wou
On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 10:27 PM JOHN Morris
> I note your reference to using jaxp.SourceValidator/ I'm not sure whether
> you are claiming that, if you use that, you don't see any of the problems
> that I have highlighted(?)
I didn't mean that. Its just that, my personal preference to d
* test1.xml
r test.xsd test1.xml
for example, to validate test1.xml. (This batch file currently uses JDK8).
Results of my validations of the two test files are provided in test1.out and
test2.out, also in the testX directory.
I look forward to getting some feedback on this possible bug.
Please do not hesit
Hi,I am a relative newcomer to Xerces for XML Validation.I have been trying to replicate the results of a tutorial that I found on the Internet. with particular reference to XSD Schema 1.1 features, Over time, I have tried using Xerces 2.12.1, along with various JDK versions (7, 8, 13). Currently,
I'm using Xerces-J 2.11.0 (XML Schema 1.1) Beta and may have run into a
possible issue with the library:
I have an XML file with the following:";
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the quick reply, I had downloaded the code for version 2.0.2 as
this is what was embedded within the application I was debugging. When I
searched on google I didn't find any reference to this problem so I never
though to check the latest version for the fix - doh!
Thanks al
Hi Alistair,
You must be using an ancient version of Xerces. This particular problem was
fixed way back in 2002.
Try using the latest release (2.9.1) available here:
Michael Glavassevich
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
E-mail: [EMA
I'm new to the list I just thought this issue should be raised. I was
receiving an error from Tomcat when is was parsing an XML document.
The XML document was using a standard latin encoding 8859-1 declared in this
Error received:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Invalid encoding name
That will probably be good enough but it really depends on how much memory
you have.
Michael Glavassevich
XML Parser Development
IBM Toronto Lab
"Paul Tomsic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/30/2006 11:27:48 AM:
> okay, just for a sanity check
okay, just for a sanity check on this, would something like this seem
to be the appropriate use of the SecurityManager to fulfill my needs
of not running out of memory?
SAXParser parser = new SAXParser();
parser.setFeature("";, true);
Hi Paul,
You can avoid the OOM error by setting the JAXP secure processing feature
[1] or a SecurityManager [2][3]. This puts a limit on the maxOccurs values
in the schema. A fatal error is emitted if the limit is exceeded.
ah, of course. great catch. thank you.
is there an obvious way to trap for this?
i'm working for a large organization that tends to have 1000's of ppl
that could be the maker of the XSD.
short of me making an FAQ page of best-practices (which no one will
read) can i programatically trap for th
Hi Paul,
This happens because you have maxOccurs="5" on "
originDestinationPair". The larger the value of maxOccurs the more memory
Xerces requires to build the DFA representation of the content model. If
the value is sufficiently large you'll run out of memory. The workaround
for this limi
I think i've found a bug in xerces 2.8.1.
I've attached a tarball that reproduces the error.
The error is "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
the situation is an XML file points to a XSD which contains several
"included" XSDs.
one of those XSD's has a mismatched targetNamespace.
While stepping t
In the first case, the xmlns="" attribute
is added to the new replaced child to undeclare the parent's namespace
which is in scope.
Anurag Chakravarti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on 11/11/2005 08:13:30 AM:
> Hi,
> In xerces-2 jdk 1.5
> I am using replaceChild method. For some strange reason a
In xerces-2 jdk 1.5
I am using replaceChild method. For some strange reason a
xmlns="" attribute is added to the new child if it originally did not
have a namespace. Otherwise if originally namespace was there of the
parent context then no such attribute is added.
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