Re: vs.

2012-11-29 Thread David Weintraub
On Nov 29, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Mitch Gitman wrote: > As you describe, the immediate problem is that, with settings, the > EXECUTOR_NUMBER environment variable is not being picked up. The following > line is really just establishing a default: > That's correct. The environment variable EXECUTOR_N

WARN: problem while listing resources via http - ivy-2.3.0-rc2

2012-11-29 Thread Michael Lynch
After upgrading to ivy 2.3.0 rc2, ivy:info doesn't resolve a component in Artifcatory using the url resolver (and http-components.) Here is a fragment of the debug log from ant: [ivy:info] WARN: problem while listing resources in http://server/artifactory/internal-repos/com.ints.web-central/wc-f

Re: vs.

2012-11-29 Thread Mitch Gitman
Let me take a stab at addressing your immediate problem, even though I don't have a direct answer. But then I'm going to suggest a different approach that avoids that problem. Frankly, I've never used configure, only settings. The configure documentation explains the primary difference (basically


2012-11-29 Thread David Weintraub
When is it better to use vs. ? I ask because I was having a problem with my Ivy setup. We use Subversion and have multiple projects setup that use Ant. In order to centralize our jar dependencies, I've decided to implement Ivy into our process. I did this by creating an Ivy project (https://gith