Re: [issues] Re; Filtering in schools and libraries

2000-12-28 Thread Terri Oda
>I think the view on filtering software needs to be revisited.. most people >seem to look at filtering in the default allow (ie. blocking things that >are bad while leaving everything else open).. vs. default deny >(ie. blocking everything except for what is known to be good).. yes the >second app

[issues] Re: libraries

2000-12-28 Thread Alison Kozic
Sharon says: > Secondly, the software is imperfect, and can filter outuseful > information simply because it may contain a word that triggers the filter. Thats for darn sure. A great site for anti-filtering veiwpoints & info is It has reveiws of filtering software, and what they

[issues] re libraries, 2

2000-12-28 Thread Alison Kozic
I meant to include another reference... has alot of info as well. --Alison Alison Kozic | Tell a man there are 300,000,000,000 stars ICQ 97567379 | in the universe and he will believe you. [EMAIL PROT