[GitHub] flink issue #5614: [FLINK-8827] When FLINK_CONF_DIR contains spaces, execute...

2018-03-04 Thread davidxdh
Github user davidxdh commented on the issue: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/5614 @StephanEwen, please review this pr, thanks. ---

[GitHub] flink pull request #5614: [FLINK-8827] When FLINK_CONF_DIR contains spaces, ...

2018-03-01 Thread davidxdh
GitHub user davidxdh opened a pull request: https://github.com/apache/flink/pull/5614 [FLINK-8827] When FLINK_CONF_DIR contains spaces, execute zookeeper r… …elated scripts failed When the path of FLINK_CONF_DIR including spaces, executing zookeeper related scripts