Re: nnimap-split-fancy and regexp

2008-01-27 Thread Johan Bockgård
t;X-Mailer:" "PHPMailer [version Moodle 2007101506]" "Moodle") >("Subject" ".*\\[Using Moodle:\\].*" "Moodle") >("Subject" "\\[Using Moodle:\\].*" "Moodle") >("In-reply-to:" "<[EMAIL PR

Re: nnimap-split-fancy and regexp

2008-01-31 Thread Johan Bockgård
Uwe Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >>>>>> "Johan" == Johan Bockgård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >>> >>> Such that all this mails are moved to a Imap folder called Moodle >>> >>> I tried

Re: Synchronizing multiple computers

2008-01-31 Thread Johan Bockgård
at home to Gnus at work by appending my dribble file from > home to the one at work? Would this work? (info "(gnus) Slave Gnusae") -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: nnimap-split-fancy and regexp

2008-02-01 Thread Johan Bockgård
quot;Moodle") > > does not work. As far as I understand regexp (and I must admit I don't > understand them very much), > ".*\\[Using Moodle:\\].*" > states match anything followed but Using Moodle followed by anything It matches the string ``[Using Moodle:]'&#x

Re: howto define dynamic color with gnus-summary-line-format

2008-02-25 Thread Johan Bockgård
rty of the text > returned, but not the mouse-face property. Try [...] (propertize date-time 'face 'my-red-face 'mouse-face 'my-blue-face 'gnus-face t) (propertize date-time 'face 'my-blue-face 'mouse-face 'my-red-face

Re: Saving an Excel sheet someone sent me

2008-03-08 Thread Johan Bockgård
ure there are keyboard shortcuts as well The keyboard equivalent is "." (on the button). -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Saving an Excel sheet someone sent me

2008-03-10 Thread Johan Bockgård
Andreas Davour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Johan Bockgård) writes: > >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Adam Sjøgren) writes: >> >>> I usually just right-click on the MIME-button thing displayed in the >>> email (where it shows MIME-type and file

Re: Read marks in different Gnus versions

2008-04-26 Thread Johan Bockgård
store flags for nntp. See a later entry for more information about nntp marks. Note that downgrading isn't safe in general. -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: per group value of gnus-summary-thread-gathering-function?

2008-07-28 Thread Johan Bockgård
(func (cdr pair))) > (if (and (string-match pattern group) > (fboundp func)) > (setq match-function func)) (assoc-default group keramida-gnus-group-thread-function-map

Re: nnvirtual: killing or unsubscribing ?

2008-08-16 Thread Johan Bockgård
fo "(gnus) Virtual Groups") -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Group Highlighting ?

2005-07-08 Thread Johan Bockgård
((and (< level 3) (zerop unread)) . my-group-face-2) [...] You can add line like ((string-match "Listserv" group) . my-group-face-4) -- Johan Bockgård ___ Info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How do I list all groups by default

2005-07-08 Thread Johan Bockgård
t work. Group parameters can be set via the `gnus-parameters' variable too. But some variables, such as `visible', have no effect. (info "(gnus)Group Parameters") -- Johan Bockgård ___ Info-gnus-english mailing list Info-gn

Re: fetchmail as cronjob + gnus -- safe?

2005-08-17 Thread Johan Bockgård
Torsten Bronger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Yes, but I wasn't sure how *Gnus* reads from the mailbox and empties > it. It uses the `movemail' program. -- Johan Bockgård ___ Info-gnus-english mailing list Info-gnu

Re: Limit On All Recipients

2005-10-30 Thread Johan Bockgård
happends :( (eval-after-load "gnus-sum" '(add-to-list 'gnus-extra-headers 'Cc)) ^ Note quote ´ -- Johan Bockgård ___ Info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: nnrss not working

2005-11-01 Thread Johan Bockgård
ss' gives > "no match." Using B nnrss also says "no match". Then use `G R'. -- Johan Bockgård ___ Info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: toggle visible groups under a topic?

2005-12-09 Thread Johan Bockgård
leon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Gnus hide the groups with no tick, dormant, new articles. When I > want to post to a hidden group. I usually hit 'L' and look for the > group and post to it. Is there a better way? C-u RET on the topic hea

Re: Leans what face is at point

2006-02-15 Thread Johan Bockgård
C-u C-x = ___ Info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Problems with `nnweb' mode

2006-04-07 Thread Johan Bockgård
asking questions, and showing brief messages (including error messages). The messages are stored in the buffer `*Messages*' so you can review them later. Minibuffer The minibuffer is the window that appears when necessary inside the echo area (q.v.), used for reading

Re: Slime and Emacs Lisp

2006-04-07 Thread Johan Bockgård
eys for you: C-x F find-function C-x 4 F find-function-other-window C-x 5 F find-function-other-frame C-x K find-function-on-key C-x V find-variable C-x 4 V find-variable-other-window C-x 5 V find-variable-other-frame -- Johan Bockgå

Re: gnus-parameters help? want to set a variable for one group

2006-05-01 Thread Johan Bockgård
but that didn't do it. `gnus-parameters' sets variables locally to the summary buffer, but `mm-inline-override-types' is evaluated in the article buffer. Look up `gnus-newsgroup-variables'. -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english

Re: pop authinfo file?

2006-05-01 Thread Johan Bockgård
Leon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Good to know. I'm reluctant to add :password in case I accidentally > send my .gnus.el to my friends. Put the stuff in a different file and load it from ~/.gnus. -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-eng

Re: article-display-hook of some sort?

2006-05-01 Thread Johan Bockgård
Burton Samograd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I'm looking for a way to do an automatic 'W w' > (gnus-article-fill-cited-article) when articles are displayed. C-h v gnus-treat-fill-article -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-eng

Re: locking buffer windows in a frame

2006-05-05 Thread Johan Bockgård
l-window' non-`nil', Gnus will delete all other windows and occupy the entire Emacs screen by itself. It is `t' by default. Setting this variable to `nil' kinda works, but there are glitches. Use at your own peril. -- Johan Bockgård ___

Re: a couple of newbie questions with gnus

2006-05-23 Thread Johan Bockgård
| Documentation: | *Format of group lines. | It works along the same lines as a normal formatting string, | with some simple extensions. | | [...] | | %B Whether a summary buffer for the group is open (char, "*") ` -- Johan Bockgård __

Re: Reply and citation region without transient-mark-mode

2006-05-31 Thread Johan Bockgård
rs the buffer, but you can also deactivate the mark by typing C-g. (from the etc/NEWS file) -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: Message followup

2006-06-07 Thread Johan Bockgård
far as I can tell, I checked .gnus.el, .xemacs/init.el). The variable message-dont-reply-to-names, if set, takes precedence over user-mail-address. -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: How many use eMacs and Gnus on daily basis?

2006-06-07 Thread Johan Bockgård
Joe Fineman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > 1. Deal with the Web. I use w3m for one site that is all text, but > it is rather clunky, and I have not yet found out how to access > graphics with it. The MS-Windows port of Emacs 21 doesn't support images.

Re: newbie questions: paste with qoute character and thread view?

2006-06-14 Thread Johan Bockgård
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Jørgensen) writes: > Then it should either become something like (with an extra ">" in > front) M-; (comment-region) > Or perhaps it should split up the line and insert ">" on each line? M-q (

Re: very quick question about open buffers after sending replies...

2006-06-22 Thread Johan Bockgård
gt; better method? (info "(message)Message Buffers") -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: very quick question about open buffers after sending replies...

2006-06-30 Thread Johan Bockgård
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Jørgensen) writes: > BTW: How do you know that or how could I know that? (info "(message)Message Buffers") -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: For the complete novice without knowledge of code how to deal with the code for setting up mail in gnus

2006-07-02 Thread Johan Bockgård
...)) See (info "(gnus)Posting Styles") -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: mails split by procmail, slurping them in via gnus: mail boundaries not recognized

2006-08-10 Thread Johan Bockgård
one_ chunk, > > > i.e., the boundaries between the different emails are not respected. Sounds like there's a problem with the mbox file--maybe the "From " lines are missing. -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list i

Re: linux system mail - information overload

2006-10-25 Thread Johan Bockgård
urrent-node-name &optional ARG) | | Put the name of the current Info node into the kill ring. The name | of the Info file is prepended to the node name in parentheses. | With a zero prefix arg, put the name inside a function call to `info'. ` (Emacs 22) -- Johan Bockgård _

Re: Elisp: get pop3 password from .authinfo

2006-11-08 Thread Johan Bockgård
-> netrc-parse gnus-netrc-machine -> netrc-machine gnus-netrc-get -> netrc-get -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list

Re: help with "nnmail-split-methods", please.

2007-02-27 Thread Johan Bockgård
iler daemon are not crossposted to any of > ;; the ordinary groups. Warnings are put in a separate group > ;; from real errors. But please still make the comments correspond to the code. :) Thanks. -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-engl

Re: Problem hiding headers in news articles

2007-06-09 Thread Johan Bockgård
optional ARG) | | Toggle permanent full header display. | If ARG is a positive number, turn header display on. | If ARG is a negative number, turn header display off. | | [back] ` -- Johan Bockgård ___ info-gnus-english mailing list info-