- some clients tried to
send them to the server to authenticate, even though authentication is only
password based.
Somewhere I found a howto that suggested to add DH parameters to either cert
or key file (they used one for both), but it didn't work.
Best Regards
; prefork=0 ...
--- eof ---
I have omitted lots of other changes I do to exim config, as they are not
related to exim-cyrus integration.
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
=== WebStep, s.r.o. (Ltd.) = a step to the Web ===
usually set the key to be readable by group mail, and ensure that users
cyrus and Debian-exim are members of group mail.
> I'll come back to the Spamassassin issue later (unless of course it's
> related!)
I think it is not related.
S pozdravem
Vladislav Kurz
=== WebS
(in conf.d/main/00_whatever), to allow plaintext auth.
S pozdravem
Vladislav Kurz
=== WebStep, s.r.o. (Ltd.) = a step to the Web ===
address: Mezirka 1, 602 00 Brno, CZ, tel: +420 548 214 711
=== www.webstep.net === vladislav.k...@webstep.net ===
_server* why would
> it fail when sending?
Just because IMAP auth is done by cyrus and SMTP auth by exim ;) Check
/var/log/exim/*log, there might be some hints...
S pozdravem
Vladislav Kurz
=== WebStep, s.r.o. (Ltd.) = a step to the Web ===
address: Mezirka 1, 602 00 Brno,
about their
experience. It seems that everything works fine. There is just some confusion
caused by previous version of outlook using other names for the default
folders, so now the have folder with similar names like: "Junk" and "Junk E-
mail", etc.
S pozdravem
2013 is better than 2010
Vladislav Kurz
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> much I/O or not enough RAM available! :)
How much RAM per imapd process is needed?
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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pment roadmap?
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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I have a few installs of cyrus that authenticate against AD - via this path:
cyrus - saslauthd - pam - kerberos.
And a cron/hourly script that looks to AD via LDAP and (re)creates mailboxes
for all users.
Is there something more needed?
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus H
> Then how do I configure my imap server to use CRAM-MD5 ??
> Is there a simple howto ?
You need access to plaintext passwords for CRAM/DIGEST-MD5.
LDAP and saslauthd do not provide that.
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.
plain & login methods and cannot store passwords in
> plain text too.
I'm afraid you are trying to do impossible things. Read more about how cram-
md5 works. You can eforce ssl/tls encryption and use plain/login auth.
S pozdravem
Vladislav Kurz
Centrála: Celní 17/5, 63900 B
not seen in GUI and the changes doesn't take effect so I'm
> wondering if there is some other process that needs to run to inform
> cyrus the sieve script has been updated and to reload?
You need to compile the sieve script to a bytecode (*.bc):
Syntax: /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/sievec [-C
e to time (when I get
above 350 processes), I kill imapd processes with no user, or with duplicates
(same IP, same user). I just feel as if the -U option does not work well.
Just to note, the number of processes is decreasing during night, but the max
and min values grow each day. I
quot;imapd -s").
I think every client is going to be turned off, rebooted, or out of battery
from time to time. So I feel like there are some processes "forgotten",
keeping the connection with nobody on the other end.
S pozdravem
Vladislav Kurz
Centrála: Ce
tion on a test machine first.
best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
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ds are: null, log, zephyr
mailnotifier: log
The notification includes user, folder and headers "From, Subject, To".
Timestamp added by syslog.
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pip
it enabled
only recently, in the hope that newly set clients will obey it. I heard
that at least Outlook should obey this options.
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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Dne Po 9. října 2017 13:25:12, Sebastian Hagedorn napsal(a):
> MD5 + TLS is still better than plaintext + TLS, IMHO. It's true that MD5 in
> itself doesn't do much good anymore, but I prefer it anyway.
> --On 9. Oktober 2017 um 11:47:46 +0100 Merlin Hartley
> wrote:
> > Why would you want to
t similar problem and solved it somehow?
Best regards
Vladislav Kurz
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On 10/11/17 07:37, Mark wrote:
> On 2017-10-10 16:05, Vladislav Kurz wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> we have recently migrated our mail server from cyrus 2.2 to 2.5 (both
>> debian packages).
>> We have a problem that squatter segfaults on some
Hello all,
is it possible to set quota for the whole virtual domain, instead of
individual mailboxes?
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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in.com, what is the syntax?
> On Thu, Oct 12, 2017, at 09:01 PM, Vladislav Kurz wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> is it possible to set quota for the whole virtual domain, instead of
>> individual mailboxes?
>> --
>> Best Regards
>> Vladi
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
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simplified "vacation only"
interface. (But I'm not sure in which version it is).
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
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On 12/15/17 12:57, Patrick Goetz wrote:
> Many thanks to Vladislav and Merlin for setting me in the right
> direction for setting up user-activated vacation notifications. A
> couple of follow up questions:
> On 12/14/2017 03:31 AM, Vladislav Kurz wrote:
>>> Also, is
login to roundcube,
they will never get this default script applied.
Best regards
Vladislav Kurz
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And also the body is sometimes completely in base64, even though it is
just plaintext or HTML in UTF-8. Depends on sender's mail client.
So the question is whether Cyrus decodes this stuff before checking and
applying the sieve rules.
Best Regards
? (Instead of
allowing it to do that?) I don't need the ToS bits to be set in any way
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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us check, but I recommend checking the mailq length of
whatever SMTP server you have. If it is longer than usual, it may
indicate spam originating from some of your users.
Best regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cm
We used that when moving to multidomain system, but we used SASLDB as
backend (not LDAP).
Best regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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by cyr_expire. If you aren't
> running cyr_expire, you should consider adding an event to cyrus.conf to
> remove expunged messages (see -X option).
you probably have "expunge_mode: delayed". That's why deleted mails (and
*dav files) stay in place, until cleaned by cyr_expire
cyrus 2.x installation authenticating to AD, like this:
cyrus -> saslauthd -> PAM -> kerberos -> AD.
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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x27;t find the problem.
Anybody has/had the same problem and perhaps a solution?
Best regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
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On 14/03/2019 10:45, Vladislav Kurz wrote:
> Hello everybody
> yesterday evening I have update a server with ubuntu 18.04 (just the routine
> security update, libc, kernel, not cyrus), and after reboot cyrus fails in
> quite strange way.
> It works fine for a few
I think this is the result of imapd.conf:
delete_mode: delayed
deletedprefix: DELETED
So - it should disappear after some days set in cyrus.conf e.g:
deleteprune cmd="/usr/sbin/cyrus expire -a -E 4 -D 28" at=0430
Best Regards
Dne úterý 3. prosince 2019 15:13:54 CET, Raphaël Halimi napsal(a):
> Le 11/11/2019 à 13:53, Helder Guerreiro via Info-cyrus a écrit :
> > It happened again, the entropy available never got bellow 3600 (logged
> > it every minute or so).
> Is Cyrus installed in a VM ?
> I had the same problem
d, they are
> > 'group:'. What I've seen from CMU's groups is that they
> > are of the form ':'.
> Ours are group:
Same here group: (unix groups)
Bets Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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yrus. I think that cyrus does not know about
aliases at all. (whether in LDAP or anything else)
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
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Hi all,
I also have encountered the duplicate message-id problem, however I do
not remember which version of Outlook was doing that. Solved by
disabling duplicate suppression. It's better to have duplicates, than
lost emails.
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
On 05/12/16 08:35, Egoitz Aurreko
I sent the previous mail off-list by mistake, so I'm forwarding it along
with the aswer for others to read.
Vladislav Kurz
Forwarded Message
Subject: Re: squat broken after upgrade from 2.4 to 2.5?
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 11:59:12 +0200
From: Wolfgang Breyha
To: Vladislav
u can use ipurge to
> delete messages based on size. Good to use in a script to parses the
> mail spool.
rm + reconstruct is IMHO ok, we use that for trash/spam cleanup,
antivirus checks, and similar things.
ipurge is nice but I would really appreciate if it had a --dry-run
On 09/29/16 17:14, Wolfgang Breyha via Info-cyrus wrote:
> Vladislav Kurz via Info-cyrus wrote on 29/09/16 17:04:
>> ipurge is nice but I would really appreciate if it had a --dry-run
>> option. I'm never sure what it will really delete.
> It got one in 2.5.9.
t that seem to be quite tedious to set up. Is your solution similar to
that? How transparent it is for users?
Best Regards
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
List Archives/Info: http://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/pipermail/info-cyrus/
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nd the programm
> "cyrreconstruct" anymore (the Debian version of "reconstruct").
cyrreconstruct is the right way to do it. It is in the package
cyrus-common-2.4 (or similar).
~# which cyrreconstruct
As you have to run it as user cyrus, you have to sp
Dne Út 6. prosince 2016 08:34:39, Marcus Schopen via Info-cyrus napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I'm looking for an easy way to fetch spams, which were moved into a
> special junk subfolder by users in their accounts. I'd like to move
> those messages from there to my account, so I can analyse them to adjust
not sure if locking the bayes database is NFS-aware.
Vladislav Kurz
Cyrus Home Page: http://www.cyrusimap.org/
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