imap flags lost after upgrade (2.0.15 to 2.2.6)

2004-08-09 Thread Tomas Lindroos DC
Hello everybody, The university I work for is upgrading its cyrus 2.0.15 (+patches) imap-server to a cyrus 2.2.6 murder. The mailboxes on the old server are being copied over, databases converted, sieve scripts compiled etc. One problem though, all IMAP flags seems to be gone after running 'reconst

sieve configuration (turning features on/off)

2004-08-09 Thread Tomas Lindroos DC
Hello everybody, I am configuring a cyrus 2.2.6 murder, and I am going to use sieve for mail filtering. Is there any good way of configuring the 'capabilities' for sieve to allow or disallow certain features. I'd like to disable at least "reject" and "vacation" (users are not allowed to forward

Re: imap flags lost after upgrade (2.0.15 to 2.2.6) [problem solved]

2004-08-18 Thread Tomas Lindroos DC
Hello again. Sorry for replying to my own post. It seems that cyrus cannot upgrade the cyrus.index files in mailboxes between versions 2.0.x and 2.2.x. I had to write a program that 'upgrades' this database, which is then run on all mailboxes before running 'reconstruct' on the new server. Now a

Re: imap flags lost after upgrade (2.0.15 to 2.2.6) [problem solved]

2004-08-18 Thread Tomas Lindroos DC
Ken Murchison wrote: Tomas Lindroos DC wrote: I had to write a program that 'upgrades' this database, which is then run on all mailboxes before running 'reconstruct' on the new server. Now all flags and other data is transferred correctly. Exactly what does your script

Murder + virtal hosting with ipaliasing problem

2006-11-08 Thread Tomas Lindroos DC
Hello everybody! I am trying to build a cyrus murder with virtual hosting enabled. In the future we will probably have two or three frontends on round robin dns, so I have imapd:s running on an IP-aliased interface. This works fine, let's call it Now, on the same frontend I need

Re: Spam and sieve vacation

2007-08-28 Thread Tomas Lindroos DC
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Janne Peltonen wrote: 5/week? Whee. We might achieve something remotely approaching that with personalized bayesian filtering (a multi-discipline, internationaly connected university receives quite a lot of ham that looks very much like spam, so we are a bit paranoid abou