I've just been setting up IMAPd (2.0.7) on a Linux box, and I've been trying
to create my own notification system in it.
I've written a very simple routine to just dump the details of the notify()
call to a text file, so that I can see what's going on with it.
When a user INBOX has a message
e? I'd like to include some of my own config options in
it for the notify routines I'm working on.
I've played with config.c, but I can't see how it gets included.
Thanks again
On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Lawrence Greenfield wrote:
>From: "Steve Campion" <[
Hi Jeremy,
Sorry I've not been in touch - been kinda busy trying to build this thing.
It's currently "very alpha".
There are four files attached. notify_socket.c, server-core.pl, imapd.conf
and notify.conf
The imapd.conf and notify.conf files contain config information about
servers & ports, a